Friday November 30, 2007 03:48 |
Table of Contents: |
I started writing the original version of this page on October 21, 2005. There's apt to be more books added to this page as we get more.
June 11, 2006 I want to write a guide book for people who collect "old" medical books and such. (quackery; dieting; exercise; quack nutrition; etc.) Of course "quackery" is a relative term. (If your uncle is a quack he might not be so ducky to you. But if you see a quack in the streets they may look very ducky. Ha!) No! How you apply the term "quack" depends upon what you view as "quackery". You can see my "opinion" by looking at the categories below. I would really like to write a guide book for collectors. I should be an expert collector of such books in order to be able to write a guide book. If you could help me out by providing me with whatever help you think I need, it would be appreciated. I am interested in learning the names of old "quackery" books that should be in every collector's library. If you can help, please contact me. I would like to complete my knowledge. Any help will be appreciated. |
Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines "Quack" and "Empiric", thusly:
(For "modern" definitions, please see, and )
QUACK, v.i.
1. To cry like a duck or goose.
2. To boast; to bounce; to talk noisily and ostentatiously; as, pretenders to medical skill quack of their cures.
QUACK, n. [from the verb.]
1. A boaster; one who pretends to skill or knowledge which he does not possess.
2. A boastful pretender to medical skill which he does not possess; an empiric; an ignorant practitioner.
EM'PIRIC, n. [Gr. to attempt; L. empiricus.]
Literally, one who makes experiments. Hence its appropriate signification is, a physician who enters on practice without a regular professional education, and relies on the success of his own experience. Hence, the word is used also for a quack, an ignorant pretender to medical skill, a charlatan.
Disclaimer: Just because a book appears on this page, it does NOT mean that the author of this page endorses it. I am just a collector. The category that I stick the books in, is subjective. It is just my [probably "biased"] "opinion". A lot of the books on this page would be considered "quackery" by the "anti-quackery" experts. Being that I am a skeptic of science, I do not trust the so called "anti-quackery" experts 100%. I know they try to help people. I do not believe they have all the facts, and they are probably biased to a point. I am biased too probably. Really, I have no idea if a book is quackery or not. I am not a doctor. But from what I know of "things" some books are better than others. A number of factors determine if I put a book in the "quackery" category. One of the main ones, is if the language of the book seems like the "get rich quick" infomercials, or like weight loss infomercials. If what I read of the book reads like what I hear on television, "it's too good to be true" stuff, then I put it in that category. Some of these books I know have information that is suspect. I do check the books on this page via the anti-quackery web sites; Amazon, Wikipedia (when available) and other places, that I consider to be fairly reputable. I base some of my opinions on the reasons a person gives for liking or disliking a particular book. I am apt to judge a book on "why" someone agrees or disagrees with a book. Reading the reviews on Amazon is a good way to see what people think of a particular book. I balance that with what I read elsewhere. Just because people on Amazon like a book, that doesn't mean it is a good book. I am no expert either. Just because I put a book in a category, that doesn't mean I agree with every word in it. It also doesn't mean that all the information in the book will be beneficial for your health.
The author of this page is not a doctor!!!! A good many of the books on this list have been collected simply for the "historical information". (How did people live back in 19_ or 18_.) I cannot give you any medical advice. To do so is to "practice medicine without a license". That is very much illegal in the U.S. I can recommend a book from this list for you to read. If you borrow a book and you follow what is written inside it, you do so at your own risk. Some of these books are more "scientific" than others. You be the judge as to what you believe or don't believe. If you are sick seek professional advice. If the remedy from any of these books does not seem to alleviate your symptoms (in a relatively reasonable amount of time) OR if your symptoms get worse PLEASE SEEK AFTER PROFESSIONAL HELP!!!!
Please read modern scientific research, BEFORE taking herbs and herbal preparations, that are written about in the "old" books. Do not assume that because the remedy is "natural" that it will cause no ill effects. If a "medicine" comes from an herb this does NOT mean it will be without side effects. Just because Genesis 1:29 of the Bible says that God originally gave believers "every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed" for us to eat, that does NOT mean that in today's world, EVERY herb is healthful and beneficial. (Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. ) Also, just because an herb was said to be useful in days past, that doesn't mean it is still good for that ailment. Some herbs have now been found to contain poisonous substances that taken in large amounts can be harmful. Read the modern research of scientists before you believe everything in "old" books. Use the old books as a starting point, but do some homework before you take anything. Some herbs can "clash" with prescription drugs. The combination of the herb and the prescription can cause very devastating results. Another thing, if someone says they were cured, healed, or helped by an herb it does not mean you will be cured, healed or helped by it. There are a number of factors which will make any medicine work or not work. If it worked for one person, it might make another person sick. Read up on an herb before you swallow it. If you have any doubts or questions see a professional health provider!!!! The adage that, "it's natural, so it won't hurt me", can really cause a person a lot of problems! L@@k before you leap! "Thimk!" before you swallow something!
A Bit About Growing Herbs: Some herbs (plants) that were used as medicine in history, are now illegal in some countries. The herbs mentioned in the books in this list may or may not be legal in the country you live in. Read up on it before you grow or take it. I know some of the herbs are on "noxious weeds" lists. Check out the "noxious weed" list for your state or country before you plant things. I have found that some of the plants I have planted here at home happened to be on the noxious weeds list for my state. I did not know that when I planted them. They are pretty wild flowers, but yet they are a pain in the neck to farmers. A lot of these plants are "invasive species" and not "native" to my state anyway. Please see also the Botany and Gardening Books page for more about growing plants.
Some of the titles in this list can fit in more than one category. Also, one of the best places to find old medical textbooks is to go to "estate sales" at houses where Nurses or Doctor's lived. We found some of these at such estate/garage sales. I mention that some of these books were found in the house here. Douglas' grandfather was into "natural" health. He took supplements, had a juicer, grew his own vegetables, and bought from a health food store. He also wasn't stupid. Even though he kept most of his teeth until he died in his early 90's, he did have fillings and bridges. He did seek after regular medical checkups and treatments. He died in the early 1990's. He did not keep his mind that long. But he was fairly healthy otherwise. He lived a long time considering he had a faulty heart valve probably acquired via rheumatic fever he had possibly in 1918.
Good Health, and Nutrition The best books I have that deal with general health especially Nutrition.
Nourishing Traditions The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Pat Connolly and Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. Copyright 1995 ISBN: 1-887314-15-6 One of the best books I have!!!!
Nourishing Traditions Second Edition by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. Copyright 1999 ISBN: 0-9670897-3-5 Even better than the first edition. Both editions are more than cookbooks. Loads of information about food and nutrition.
Eat Fat Lose Fat by Dr. Mary Enig, and Sally Fallon. Copyright 2005 ISBN: 1-59463-005-4 A diet book that is more good nutrition that anything. It almost seems like a book on the "quick weight loss" bandwagon. Even though I disagree with "diets" this one isn't too bad probably. "Lose Weight and Feel Great with Three Delicious, Science-Based COCONUT Diets. Quick and Easy Weight Loss; Health Recovery; Everyday Gourmet". "The HEALTHY Alternative to Trans Fats".
Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol by Mary G. Enig, Ph.D Copyright 2000? ISBN: 0-9678126-0-7 The best book I know that explains dietary fats and oils. Very important book!!!!
We Want Real Food by Graham Harvey Copyright 2006 ISBN-10: 1-84529-267-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-84529-267-6 I bought this book online from [Books2Anywhere] via AbeBooks. I ordered it on April 17, 2006 and it arrived May 1, 2006. It was during my large scale book buying "binge" of April and May of 2006. This is a really great book I highly recommend it! It is about how our foods are depleted of nutrients and how to fix the problem. This is an extremely important book!!!! I bought this new from Amazon.
The Whole Soy Story by Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN Copyright 2005. ISBN: 0-9670897-5-1. "The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food". I bought this new from the publisher, New Trends Publishing.
The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid, ND Foreword by Sally Fallon Copyright 2003 ISBN: 0-9670897-4-3 First Printing: 20,000 "Green Pastures, Contented Cows and Raw Dairy Foods". Excellent book about milk and dairy products. I bought this new from the publisher.
Man Bread and Destiny by C.C. Furnas and S.M. Furnas Copyright 1937 (Second Printing, December, 1937) "The Story of Man's Food". I also have a later edition with a different title. VERY good and interesting book. In the other edition I have, there is a neat section that talks about how some day scientists will come up with a margarine that is as good nutritionally as butter. Well, it hasn't happened yet! (2006) I ordered this May 1, 2006 and it came, May 8, 2006. I ordered it via Alibris and it came from Pioneer Book.
The Story of Man and His Food by C.C. Furnas and S.M. Furnas Copyright 1937 "The New Home Library Edition Published September, 1942". "The Story of Man and His Food was formerly published as Man, Bread and Destiny". Wonderful book! I suspect that I got this book at the big book sale.
Bowes & Church's Food Values of Portions Commonly Used Eighteenth Edition by Jean A. T. Pennington and Judith Spungen Douglass Copyright 2005 ISBN: 0-7817-4429-6 As far as I know this is the latest edition. I find no evidence that a newer edition exists. This is a really great book for finding out what vitamins and minerals should be in the foods we eat. I didn't know that cherries have aspirin in them (salicylic acid) until I saw it listed in the index. I bought this from A1 Books I ordered it on April 25, 2006 and it arrived on May 2, 2006. I got it during the big book buying putsch I did in April and May of 2006. The reason that I got this one, is because I discovered a version from the 1950's at our "local", Rodegher's. The information looked incredible, and I wanted to find a modern copy of this book. I was interested to see how things changed, but also to see if science had learned more about what nutrients are in foods.
Food Values of Portions Commonly Used (Bowes and Church) by Anna dePlanter Bowes Seventh Edition Copyright 1951 (Reprinted January, 1952) Original price was $2.25. Very interesting book. Haven't looked at it to see if the "values" are different from the 18th edition. Don't know how either edition comes to these "values" either. I got this at Rodegher's. It was originally owned by Evelyn Kachaturoff.
The Lifeline of America Development of the Food Industry by Edward C. Hampe, Jr. & Merle Wittenberg Copyright 1964 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 64-24600 I got this at a Goodwill store 11-27-98. (November 27, 1989) Ah! I remember that trip. I was with Mom's friend Linda in Ft. Worth. She took me on a tour of... hmmm... Oh! across from the Zoo, it has plants.... I forget the name of it... anyway... I had just gotten married and was spending time at my mother's. This is an incredible (I assume text book) from McGraw-Hill Book Company. Inside the book is found, "From Campbell Soup Company. This first edition of "The Lifeline of America-- Development of the Food Industry" is sent to you with our compliments. So far as we know, this is the first time the history of each segment of the food industry, the interdependence of all segments, and the development of the entire industry as it has kept pace with population from the beginning of time have been presented in one book. You may be interested to know that Cornell University, in cooperation with the National Association of Food Chains, will use this book for its second home study course for retail food employees. We hope you will enjoy reading 'The Lifeline of America.' Joan Miller Director-Home Economics. Acknowledgment not necessary." This is a great book about the history of processed foods and the selling of them.
Anti-Dieting Books It is becoming well known now, that DIETS DO NOT WORK. These books go to great lengths to expose what diets and dieting do to women. They are dangerous for young girls. Women will "diet" their way to 300 pounds. (100 pounds = 45.36 Kilograms) Reduced and or low fat diets cause obesity. God gave us taste buds specifically for tasting fat. Why would he do that if fat was so "bad" for us? Americans eat less fat on average than they ever have in history, yet they are getting fatter all the time........
Losing It America's Obsession with Weight and the Industry that Feeds on it by Laura Fraser Copyright 1997 ISBN: 0-525-93891-5 I bought this February 10, 2000, when I was in Olney, Texas for my dad's funeral. I got it at the "Dollar General Store" in Olney. I paid $3.00 for it. I have heavily marked this copy up with my famous red pencil. I only got as far as 210. This book has a loads of great points. The only problem I have with it, is the feminist slant. It is still a great book. It is worth finding copies and giving them out to people---especially mother's who have young daughters. (see also "Like Mother, Like Daughter") I wish my mother was given these books when I was a teenager. Had she read these books, it might have solved a lot of things. Naturally, they weren't available back in "my day".
Like Mother, Like Daughter by Debra Waterhouse, M.P.H., R.D. Copyright 1997 ISBN: 0-7868-6167-3 I have this heavily marked with my red pencil too. It has great things in it as well. I read up to page 45. All the while, I wished my mom had read it "back in the day". I was hoping to give this to my sister L.A., but I think I would be preaching to the choir.
Herbal Medicine Please see also my disclaimer at the top of this page. For more books on herbs, please see, "Herbs" on the "Botany and Gardening Books" page. (Some of the herb section has been copied [duplicated] to this section.) If you want to know how to identify specific herbs or plants that you see growing, then check out the "Botany/ Scientific Books/Plants/Identification of Plants" section of the page. Look under, "Michigan Plants" and "General Plant Books".
Some of the following books are more "genuine" health than others.
Authoritative Herbal Medicine Books
The Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine Edited by David Hoffmann, M.N.I.M.H. copyright 1994 ISBN: 0-89594-671-8 This is a book for professionals who deal in herbal medicine. It has all sorts of information in it. It is a reference book. It has a, "Bibliography of herbalism and herbal pharmacology"; "Glossary of herbal, medical pharmacological and pharmacy terms"; "Guide to computer databases for the herbalist"; Medline Citations for commonly used medicinal herbs". There are probably new Medline citations that are more up to date. But this book will get someone started anyway. I got this via LJ's Books via I ordered it on April 24, 2006 and it arrived on May 1, 2006.
Rational Phytotherapy A Reference Guide for Physicians and Pharmacists by Volker Schulz, Rudolf Hänsel, Mark Blumenthal, Varro E. Tyler Copyright 2004 ISBN: 3-540-40832-0 Library of Congress Control Number: 2003070714 Fifth edition, fully revised and expanded. A good reference. Some newer books are better. New information comes out all the time. As far as I know this is the latest and last edition of this book. It is translated from German. Germany is famous for the "Commission E Monographs" on various plants used in Herbal Medicine. I ordered this April 24, 2006. It arrived May 6, 2006. I ordered it from Fantastic Shopping via Abebooks.
Herbs by Lesley Bremness Copyright 1994. The visual guide to more than 700 herb species from around the world. This is a great book for identifying plants that you might run across. Has lots of great photographs of plants. There is also information about what the plants are used for in herbal medicine. There is also some of the information from what was the latest scientific research into that plant.
Potter's Herbal Cyclopaedia by Elizabeth M. Williamson BSc., PhD, MRPharmS., FLS Copyright 2003 ISBN: 0-85207-361-5 "This totally revised, enlarged and rewritten edition was first published in 2003 to coincide with the 190th birthday of Potter's Herbal Medicine and their 50th year in Wigan". "The Authoritative Reference work on Plants with a Known Medical Use. New and Enlarged edition now including 700 Plants. The most modern and practical book for all those interested in the scientific as well as the traditional use of Herbs in medicine". As far as I know this is the latest edition (as of 2006). I ordered it April 25, 2006. It arrived May 9, 2006. I got it from Pacific Book Exchange, LLC via Abebooks. (See book below)
![]() If you happen to know anything about the sticker above let me know. I am interested in the history and reasons behind it. It is stuck in the inside front cover of "Potter's Cyclopædia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations". |
Potter's Cyclopædia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations by R.C. Wren, F.L.S. With additions by E.M. Holmes, F.L.S. Revised by Richard W. Wren, M.P.S., F.C.S., F.R.H.S. Sixth Edition 1950. This is a British Book (English). It is still being published as far as I know. I don't know what edition they are up to now. It is one of the standard reference books over there. There was this paper I pulled off the net. It was about the EU and the UK. It mentioned this book. It was saying that if an herb had a historical (traditional?) use that was listed in this book (and others) it would be allowed to be sold for that use. I can't seem to find this paper so I can link to it. I have the hard copy buried in a box now. |
Folklore/Historic Herbal Medicine
Nature's Remedies Early History of Botanic Drugs Joseph E. Meyer. Copyright 1934. Early History and Uses of Botanic Drugs As Revealed in The Legends and Anecdotes of Ancient Times. Illustrated. Published by Indiana Botanic Gardens Hammond, Indiana. Very interesting book. I think he was a somewhat famous author. Don't know if the remedies are still valid. Please see modern research before taking any herbs in the old books!! I got this in either Graham or Olney, Texas during the summer of 2005.
Nature's Medicines The Folklore, Romance and Value of Herbal Remedies by Richard Lucas Copyright 1966 Third Printing March, 1967. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-17159. A fascinating account of the herbal medicines used by mankind down through the ages. I got this at the big book sale in 2005.
Misc. "Natural" Medicine Books Books I have mostly for reference and information purposes only. Some of these I've collected for the "history" they contain. Sometimes it is just because it "seemed interesting". These books are about "natural" or "alternative" medicine. Some of the information in these might be "quackery". I am not a doctor, so I am not sure of the validity of the remedies. Take any and all remedies at your own risk!
"Biblical" Health
See also books under "Mainstream Health".
God Can Heal You Now by Emily Gardiner Neal Copyright 1958. Fifth printing....July, 1964. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 58-12861 This should probably go in the Bible book section as well.
General "Alternative" Medicine
Planning Your Career in Alternative Medicine by Dianne J. B. Lyons Copyright 1997. ISBN: 0-89529-802-3 "A Guide to Degree and Certificate Programs in Alternative Health Care. Includes Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Programs, Approaches, Costs, Regional Listings, Glossary & More. A Comprehensive Directory to over 1,000 accredited schools, colleges, institutions & programs in the growing fields of Alternative Health Care." Some of the information in this book maybe out of date. I have no idea if any of these schools or courses are, "the best in their field" or not. I don't know if the knowledge you learn will be the most up to date or if it is at all based on the latest "scientific" evidence. This book should get you started anyway. I remember getting this at a Salvation Army store. It was probably at Joy and Telegraph. When I took it up to the counter, the manager knew he should have put a higher price on the book. I guess I bought it right after he put it out. I got it June 8, 2003. See this "blog entry" to learn more.
Let's Play Doctor! by J.D. Wallach, DVM, ND Ma Lan, MD, MS Copyright 1989 (First Printing, May 1993... Eleventh Printing, August 1996) No ISBN ! General book on alternative medicine. Has all sorts of info. on how to be your own doctor. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Nature's Healing Arts From Folk Medicine to Modern Drugs by Lonnelle Aikman (National Geographic Society) Copyright 1977. ISBN: 0-87044-232-5 Deals with how scientists take certain therapies from traditional medicine and devise modern treatments for disease. Could also be thought of as showing how pharmaceutical companies exploit traditional cultures for profit. I think the way National Geographic meant it, was to show how science was finding miracle cures from folk medicine. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Handbook of Unusual and Unorthodox Healing Methods by J.V. Cerney, A.B., D.M., D.P.M. Copyright 1976. ISBN: 0-13-382739-9 Tells about the how's and why's of various "alternative" medical treatments. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Healing at Home by Sandra Greenstone with Clinton L. Greenstone, M.D. Copyright 1999. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-04425 ISBN: 0-9671863-0-7 "This book is intended to educate people about a variety of approaches to healthcare needs." Looks like a very interesting book. Lists a disease or symptom and then lists various ways of treating it---the why's and wherefores. It lets you the consumer decide for yourself what is the best way to go. Of course I would use this book with the advice of a health care professional. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Physical Culture for mind and body April 1931 "Harold Bell Wright on What About God?" Was originally 25 cents. I bought this in a used book store in Windsor, Ontario Canada. It was one of Bernarr Macfadden's magazines. Magazine with various articles and advertisements dealing with health. A great many of the ads are quackery. There are even serial fiction stories in the magazine as well.
Rheumatism History of Disease cured by Homœopathy Collected & Arranged by the Standard Homœo Literature Co. Calcutta. Published by Mr. M.K. Dey of The Standard Homœo Literature Co. Calcutta. This book is basically about Rheumatic Fever and how to treat it. There is no copyright date inside it. I do not know if the remedies are "genuinely" helpful or not. I got this at the big book sale in 2005.
Who Is Your Doctor and Why? by Alonzo Jay Shadman, M.D. Copyright 1958. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 58-10390. I got this book at Joy and Telegraph if I am not mistaken. |
![]() "Note" found stamped in the back of the book. "Note: Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research is a non-profit, public service institution, chartered to investigate and disseminate nutritional information. The attached publication is not literature or labeling for any product, nor shall it be employed as such by anyone. In accordance with the right of freedom of the press guaranteed to the Foundation by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the attached publication is issued and distributed for informational purposes." |
Folk Medicine
Folk Medicine by D.C. Jarvis, M.D. (Dr. DeForest Clinton Jarvis) Copyright 1958, Twenty-eighth Printing, June, 1974. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 58-6454. ISBN: 0-03-27410-9. "The best-selling book describing Vermont folk practices, particularly the use of honey and apple cider vinegar". I got this one at the big book sale in 2005.
Old-Time Home Remedies Edited by Ken Tate, House of White Birches Copyright 1998 Library of Congress Number: 97-72868. ISBN: 1-882138-30-9. Various folk remedies that people remember. This publication is for the "nostalgia" market and not for the "medical" market. It is just interesting in order to know what people used to do. It is probably not useful for any medical information.
A Minnesota Doctor's Home Remedies For Common and Uncommon Ailments Second Edition by John E. Eichenlaub, M.D. Copyright 1972. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75-179448. ISBN-0-13-584557-2. "Now! Completely Revised and Updated! featuring over 100 more stested home treatments and new folk remedies...". Can't vouch for these remedies either. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Vital Facts About Foods by Otto Carqué Copyright 1933 Copyright 1940 Seventh Edition "A Guide to Health and Longevity with 200 Wholesome Recipes and Menus and 250 Complete Analyses of Foods". Have no idea if this is a "good" book or not. His recipes include whole wheat flour. Have no idea where/when I got this one.
Nutrition In A Nutshell The do's and don't's of eating for health. I have not idea as to author or copyright date. On the very last page it says that the author is not a doctor. I don't know if this should go in the "Quack" section either. We probably found this book in the house. This booklet explains things about Fats, Proteins, and such. It goes into various vitamins and minerals too. Then there is a section on, "Fenugreek, The Hard Working Herb". It recommends, "lean meat" and fats from butter and vegetables, "preferably olive, corn or peanut oils, since cottonseed oil is a high irritant to the digestive tract in some persons". I wouldn't recommend this book for good nutrition. Follow it at your own risk.
SOS for PMS by Lissa G. De Angelis and Molly Siple Copyright 1999. ISBN: 0-452-27965-8 "Whole-Food Solutions for Premenstrual Syndrome. Featuring more than one hundred recipes and a complete nutritional plan." This is basically a sort of cookbook. It sounded like a good idea when I saw it. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Adventures in Cooking with Health Foods by Nancy Sutton Copyright 1969. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 69-10770 "Take naturally grown food and cook with a gourmet's exquisite touch. Here are recipes combining nutritious whole grains and whines, spices, and herbs for taste tempters your family will always remember". Another cookbook. Recipes call for "Monosodium Glutamate" and "soy flour". Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Hand Reflexology: Key to Perfect Health by Mildred Carter Copyright 1975. ISBN: 0-13-383612-6. "A renowned Reflexologist shows how she manipulates the reflex "buttons" located in the hands to relieve all manner of aches and ills in her patients and help them achieve abundant physical and mental energy--and how you can do the same for yourself right at home"! I got this one at the big book sale in 2005.
The Art of Reflexology A Step-By Step Guide by Inge Dougans With Suzanne Ellis Copyright 1992 Reprinted 1995. ISBN: 1-85230-236-4. I got this book at a thrift store, more than likely the one at Joy and Telegraph.
The Essential Kombucha (The Manchurian Mushroom) by Andra Anastazia Malczewski Copyright 1995. No ISBN. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Ayurveda Wisdom by Cybèle Tomlinson Copyright 2002 ISBN: 0-7858-1557-0 I know this "wisdom" is from India. I don't think it is 100% "spiritually correct". (Biblical) I only bought this book because I wanted to something about Ayurveda. (I have heard of it, but don't know what it is really.) Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Sight Without Glasses Dr. Harold M. Peppard Copyright 1936 Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006. This book is based on the "Bates" method of eye exercises to improve sight. I cannot vouch for these treatments. According to the big anti-quackery web site, there is no science to prove that this sort of thing works. Yet, I have had two occasions where the "eye doctor" has told me to do exercises to improve my eyesight. The first time was back in the mid to late 1980's. The doctor told me that I could wear glasses but the prescription was so small (low?) that it was hardly worth it. He suggested that I focus on my index finger and move it back and forth. He gave me specific directions. It was to strengthen the eye muscles I think. It was as if he were saying that I could improve my vision to a point so that I wouldn't need glasses as quickly. Well, I remember thinking that it would look "stupid" to sit and do that with my index finger, so I didn't do it. Eventually I needed and bought glasses. I went to another eye doctor. I was complaining because I couldn't wear the glasses to do "close up" work, because they made me sea sick. (My glasses were for seeing at a distance.) That eye doctor was encouraging me to wear the glasses all the time. He gave me similar exercises to do. This time it was to wear the glasses and focus on near objects and then far objects. It was to get my body "acclimatized" so that I could wear them without getting sea sick. I was also having difficulty with side vision when I was wearing the glasses. Which meant I would do such things as bump my head getting in and out of cars if I had the glasses on. I now put that down to my general "genetic" clumsiness.
Medical Reference
The Medical Stenographer by Effie B. Smither Copyright, 1939, by The Gregg Publishing Company D-68-VR-2. Gregg Shorthand instruction book. The emphasis is on medical terminology. There are definitions of terms and explanations of various medical things. There are also some biographies inside. The frontispiece picture is torn. I probably bought it in Windsor, Ontario Canada in probably 2004. It is stamped inside, "O'Neill Business College Imperial Bank Bldg. Windsor, Ont. - Phone 3-8202". It was "originally" owned by Thelma (Lane) Baxter. I have this book for the definitions and biographies. I do not have it in order to learn shorthand. I have seen tons of Gregg Shorthand books in second hand shops. I do not remember seeing one for the medical profession before. But then that is not an accurate statement, as I see "Gregg Shorthand" and normally pass up the book without any further investigation.
The American Pocket Medical Dictionary Sixteenth Edition Edited by W.A. Newman Dorland, A.M., M.D. Copyright 1938 Reprinted October, 1939 W.B. Saunders Company 1940 Very good medical dictionary. Good for finding out definitions for older medical terminology. Probably got this at an estate sale of someone who was a medical professional. Really I can't remember where it came from. It could have come from the big book sale also.
American Pocket Medical Dictionary 19th Edition W.B. Saunders Company Copyright 1953 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 52-11355 Very nice medical dictionary. (see also entry above) Probably got this at an estate sale of someone who was a medical professional. Really I can't remember where it came from. It could have come from the big book sale also.
Family Medical Reference books that have information on how to treat various maladies at home. There's more to these books at times. These sometimes have all sorts of information in them. I wasn't sure how to categorize them. See also sub-section below this one called, "Consumer Information".
Good Health and Bad Medicine by Harold Aaron M.D. Copyright 1940 "A Family Medical Guide". Consumers Union Publications Got this at Rodegher's Used Books on March 28, 2006. Was using my birthday coupon. This is a very interesting book.
New Guide To Health by Hubert O. Swartout, M.D. Copyright, 1943. Third printing, 10,000, 1943. Page 73/74 is loose. Seems to be a general guide to various medical conditions and their treatments. The information is very much antiquated! But does stress that it is possible to control the mind enough to have a "healthy" sex life and also healthy eating habits. "The secret of health and power of mind and body is not in indulgence of appetites and passions, but in controlling them". The author is not talking about "controlling" these "appetites and passions" in a negative sense. He is talking about not allowing these "appetites and passions" to "run rampant" and control one's life. This is a very interesting book if you are interested in the history of medicine. Can't remember where I found this one. The big book sale?
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R.V. Pierce M.D. Copyright 1895 Forty-Sixth Edition World's Dispensary Medical Association This is very much a historic book. It is also a very well known "quack book". Has lots of sex ed. "eugenics" stuff in it. It has lots of testimonials for "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription". This was a patent medicine which contained opiates. There are some interesting things in this book as far as the history of medicine.
Consumer Information
Good Health and Bad Medicine by Harold Aaron M.D. Copyright 1940 "A Family Medical Guide". Consumers Union Publications Got this at Rodegher's Used Books on March 28, 2006. Was using my birthday coupon. This is a very interesting book.
1000 Things Worth Knowing by Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr. Copyright 1913 This has all sorts of information in it, not all of it is medical. It has an entry for "Artificial Ice" (ice made in a man made freezer). It starts with "A" and works to "Y". Inside is found various news print clippings and pages from booklets. (1. Glycerin C3 H5 (OH)3; 2. Leather upholstery can be cleaned...; 3. Cleaning the Upholstering of a Closed Car; 4. Questions Answered, "Will you tell me what to do for enlarged pores?"; 5. Lumber Table/Hints to Housekeepers; 6. Hints to Housekeepers Continued/Presidents of the United States; 7. Page from, February 1925 Calendar, hand written on, "Scientific American Cyclopedia of Formulas, 4oz. Epsom Salts, 3 oz. Borax} Makes Clothes Fireproof"; 8. Rules for Calculating Speed of Pulleys + Belts/For Cleaning Various Substances; 9. Interest Calculations/Wonders of the Body.) Under "Emergency Medicines" the book says, "Ammonia should not be applied to an open wound or irritated surface, except in case of snake bites or stings of insects, where it is intended to neutralize the poisons". "...Turpentine should not be given internally, unless prescribed by a physician." This book is one of the most interesting and sometimes funny books I have. It is very entertaining. It is being reprinted for the historical information. You can find it online. Just type in the title or author.
1000,000,000 Guinea Pigs by Arthur Kallet and F.J. Schlink Copyright 1933 Twenty-first Printing, Feb. 13, 1934 "Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics". I have two copies of this book, so I can give one out. This is a really great book!! I got them both in the "East End" of town. This man had a running garage sale at his house. Kallet and Schlink were the forerunners of the people at Consumer's Reports (Consumer's Union). The authors wrote against "Crisco" long before the current information on hydrogenated fats was available. They wrote about the dangers of hair color restorers that contained lead as an ingredient. I remember back in the 1990's after I first read that section, I was straightening shelves at F&M, when I discovered that a popular grey remover, contained this very ingredient.
1000,000,000 Guinea Pigs by Arthur Kallet and F.J. Schlink Copyright 1933 Thirtieth Printing, September 20, 1935 "Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics". I have two copies of this book, so I can give one out. This is a really great book!! (see also entry above this one)
Wide Awake at 3:00 A.M. By Choice or by Chance? by Richard M. Coleman Copyright 1986 ISBN: 0-7167-1796-4 (pbk.) Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006. This is an incredible book about the human body clock--- the circadian rhythms. I wish I had a book like this with the latest info. in it. I believe I have something called, "Delayed Circadian Rhythms" something or other. (Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome) I have always naturally wanted to go to bed after midnight and then to get up at 10:00 A.M. or later. I could never understand how people could feel "awake" before 10:00 in the morning. I usually get enough sleep now days, unless I have to be up "early" for some reason. My mother nearly had to knock me out to get me to go to bed. Then she had to drag me out of bed in the morning. This is one of the reasons that school was torture. Being woken up before 7:00 is like being disturbed in the middle of the night. When I heard of this "Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome" , it was like the light bulb went off in my head. Ah! I finally know what is going on. Of course this is a "self diagnosis" at this point.
Sleep The Complete Guide to Sleep Disorders and Better Night's Sleep J. Paul Caldwell, MD Copyright, 1997 ISBN: 1-55209-122-8 This is a later book. It should have some more up to date information in it. I think "Wide Awake at 3:00 A.M. etc." is a better book though. It would be great to find a more modern edition of that one.
Lifelong Health by Dr. Mary Ruth Swope Copyright 1984, 1997. ISBN: 0-88368-510-8 (trade paper) "Are you sick and tired of being sick & tired?" "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."--3 John 1:2 I bought this new on December 20, 2003. The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data says, "1. Nutrition--Popular works. 2. Nutrition--Religious aspects -- Christianity." This book is not 100% good nutrition. Author thinks beta-carotenes and Vitamin A are the same thing. Vitamin A is only found in animal fats. ("Vitamin A is formed by the conversion of beta-carotenes in the intestinal mucosa of animals and humans". Weston A. Price Foundation site) Book recommends soy foods. Author buys into myth that animal fats are an enemy of health. From the back of the book... "Feelings of fatigue and recurring symptoms of sickness are often related to the foods we eat. As you discover the alarming truths related to food and health, you will be inspired to put into practice these scriptural lifesaving principles to gain new energy and vitality. In this enlightening book, you will discover... How to prevent cancer; Health food myths; How calories can help you; How to change your eating habits; The secret to perfect health; What to eat when you are under stress; What vitamins and nutrients will help you stay well". I have begun to mark this book with my famous red pencil. This book tries to come across as "good" information but it is extremely "mainstream". I bought this new at Discount Bible or maybe Family Bible.
"First Place" Materials This "diet" is based on the U.S. "Food Pyramid". The first section of the "Giving Christ First Place" book is about putting God first. Week three is, "The Joy of Obeying God". I believe that if a diet is good for you it will also be satiating. If it is satiating you won't have horrible hunger that you have to work through. Certain cravings will be sorted as well. (Proper nutrients can curb cravings for things like sweets.) I think that if this "diet" were better, then they wouldn't need the section on "Obeying God". (It wouldn't be difficult to stick to.) Some of these books have my writing in them. We were trying to get a group going. The Bible Study is excellent though!!!! I was doing this program trying to develop in me a daily habit of Bible study and eating more fruits and vegetables. You can view my progress if you click here. I believe I got all these via Christian Book Distributors. If you ever want the latest in Christian books, it is well worth getting a membership to this.
Walking In the Word Scripture Memory Music Volume 1: Giving Christ First Place CD that goes with the "Giving Christ First Place" book.
First Place The Bible's Way to Weight Loss Motivational CDs 2 disks 4 Sessions to Strengthen Your Resolve and Encourage You to Reach Your Goal!
1 Set Commitment Records (some are used)
Food Exchange Pocket Guide Based on the ADA, USDA and American Dietetic Association guidelines. Alphabetical food listings. Perfect for people on the go. Convenient & pocket-sized. Quick & easy to use. Copyright 2003 ISBN: 0-8307-3232-2
Giving Christ First Place Copyright 2001 ISBN: 0-8307-2864-3
Health 4 Live by Jody Wilkinson, M.D. Copyright 2002 ISBN: 0-8307-3051-6
The First Place Challenge Choosing to Change The Bible-Based Weight Loss Plan Used Successfully by Over a Half Million People Copyright 2001 ISBN: 0-8037-2862-7
First Place Member's Guide Copyright 2001 ISBN: 0-8307-2868-6
Walking in the Word Scripture Memory Verses Copyright 2004 ISBN: 0-8307-3372-8
Revised U.S. Edition of the Official Royal Canadian Air Force Exercise Plans For Physical Fitness Copyright 1962 Revised Edition ISBN: 0-671-24651-8 Printed in Canada. Contains the Women's plan, "XBX" and the men's, "5BX" plan. I have some pencil marks in the book from 1989 from when I was going to attempt to do these exercises. The women's one has some bending at the waist to touch the floor type things. I am not sure those types of exercises are recommended today. I bought this book "new" in 1989. It was at a book store with "old" new books. They were overstocks or something like that.
Human Energy by J. Edmund Thompson, A.B. Copyright 1909 Fourth Edition About the Thompson Course of exercise. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Body Wisdom The Use and Training of the Human Body by Arthur Lessac Copyright 1978, 1981 First Edition ISBN: 0-89676-070-7 (cloth) Book for actors and performers. I thought it looked interesting because it looked like a "kinder, gentler" way to move the body and keep limber.
"Quack" Health, and Nutrition Books I suspect to be "Quackery". Included on here for the history and for laughs. (A lot of the books on this page would be considered "quackery" by the "anti-quackery" experts. Being that I am a skeptic of science, I do not trust the so called "anti-quackery" experts 100%. I know they try to help people. I do not believe they have all the facts, and they are probably biased to a point. Really, I have no idea if a book is quackery or not. I am not a doctor. But from what I know of "things" some books are better than others. A number of factors determine if I put a book in this category. One of the main ones, is if the language of the book seems like the "get rich quick" infomercials, or like weight loss infomercials. If what I read of the book reads like what I hear on television, "it's too good to be true" stuff, then I put it in this category. Some of these books I know have information that is suspect. I do check the books in this section via the anti-quackery web sites; Amazon and Wikipedia (when available) and other places, that I consider to be fairly reputable. Reading the reviews on Amazon is a good way to see what people think of a particular book. I balance that with what I read elsewhere. Just because people on Amazon like a book, that doesn't mean it is a good book.)
Dieting and Nutrition
Diet Does It by Gaylord Hauser Copyright 1944, Twenty-first impression, May, 1950. Gaylord Hauser was a famous "nutritionist" (diet guru?) of the 1950's. Was a platonic "companion" to Greta Garbo in the 1940's and 1950's. Gaylord Hauser was the "inventor" of Spike. Book was "originally" owned by Nina Lash in Dearborn, Michigan. I think I remember getting this one at an estate sale. I am not 100% sure.
Eat and Reduce! by Victor H. Lindlahr Garden City Publishing Co. Reprint Edition, 1946 Copyright 1939 Victor H. Lindlahr President, National Nurtition Society [Has inside a flap from the dust jacket; a one page (front and back) "Reducing Diet" ; another page, "Caloric Values for Common 'Snack' Foods". As far as the "Reducing Diet" goes, it has hand places for writing directions for the "patient". "Your total calories should not exceed 700 -800 for each day". For breakfast the calories were to be, 200, for lunch, 200-300. For dinner it was recommended that this "patient" restrict their calorie intake to 300 calories. This diet would be very difficult to stick to!! "Bread, beverages, fruit, etc., from the above list, may be added to any meal provided the total calories do not exceed the amount prescribed.] As for the book, one luncheon is 172 calories. One dinner is 220 calories another one is 250 calories. Wow! No wonder diets don't work. Have no idea where/when I got this one.
Health Through Nutrition by Lelord Kordel Copyright 1950 Signed inside, "yours for health, Lelord Kordel 4/50". Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Two Books By "Robert R. Barefoot": I am not sure if these are 100% Quackery. I know someone who was helped greatly by this type of advice. The anti-quackery web sites consider these to be quackery. I am putting them here, because I don't agree with them 100% and from what little I have red of these books the "tone" seems to be like that of "quackery" books. Don't know what I paid for these. I got them both at an "estate" sale in the summer of 2006.
Death By Diet by Robert R. Barefoot Copyright 2002 ISBN: 0-9633703-3-2
The Calcium Factor: The Scientific Secret of Health and Youth by Robert R. Barefoot & Carl J. Reich, M.D. Copyright 2002 ISBN: 0-9633703-2-4
Grandma The Life Saver copyright 1964 by R.C. Williams Albany, Georgia. I am not sure if this booklet is by Fred Wortman of Albany, Georgia. It mentions, "Wortman of Albany, Georgia" in the section on "Cancer". This booklet is laid out by disease. It gives "cures" to these diseases. "The information passed on has been selected from reports made by afflicted persons who have cured themselves". This book talks about "The Grape Cure" for curing cancer. Take the information in this book with a grain of salt. I would read what they say cures a disease, and then read up on it to see how "scientific" that remedy is. Who knows, grapes might have something in them that "helps" if a person has cancer. I won't go so far as to say it "cures" cancer. I bought this book at the big book sale or maybe a garage sale?
Vita-Mix Recipes by Ruth Pellett Barnard Natural Foods Institute This is a green booklet that looks to be hand typed and maybe mimeographed. It came with a blender we have. The Vita-Mix blender is still being produced. The company is in Cleveland, Ohio. It was started in 1921. This booklet is the instruction book for the blender. It also includes recipes for various combinations of foods to combat various diseases.
Raw Vegetable Juices Compiled under the direction of, and endorsed by R.D. Pope, M.D. Copyright 1940 Fourth Edition. "What's Missing In Your Body? The lack or deficiency of certain elements, such as organic minerals and salts, and consequently of Vitamins, from our customary diet, is the primary cause of nearly every sickness and disease. How can we most readily furnish our body with the elements needed. R.D. Pope, M.D. Author of-- 'Constructive Health Building,' 'Ambulant Proctology,' 'Small Things,' 'The Sympathetic Nerve,' etc." Dr. Pope was from Des Moines, Iowa. This book is all about Raw Juicing. It has a section of various combinations of various juices that are good for various diseases. Follow this book at your own risk. We found this one in the house here? I am not sure how we got it. We did find an ancient juicer in the house. We still have it, but it doesn't work. (We even found an old letter from an "elderly" gentleman to Douglas' grandfather. The letter was thanking Gramps for recommending that this man buy a juicer.)
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R.V. Pierce M.D. Copyright 1895 Forty-Sixth Edition World's Dispensary Medical Association This is very much a historic book. It is also a very well known "quack book". Has lots of sex ed. "eugenics" stuff in it. It has lots of testimonials for "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription". This was a patent medicine which contained opiates. There are some interesting things in this book as far as the history of medicine.
How To Eat to build and to maintain Good Health (by) The Battle Creek Food Company Battle Creek, Michigan There isn't a copyright date for this book, but it is obviously early 20th century. I think it might be from the 1920's or there abouts. This booklet (catalog) was from the famous Kellogg's Sanitarium at Battle Creek. This food company was founded by John Harvey Kellogg. Wow! He was a Eugenicist. It was his brother Will Keith Kellogg that founded Kellogg's the cereal company. John Harvey Kellogg ran his sanitarium on Seventh Day Adventist principles. He taught veganism, and he was anti-sex. Don't know if the sex part was Seventh Day Adventist. The first part of this booklet deals with nutrition and how to avoid various diseases. Then the second half of the booklet is a catalog for various foods sold by The Battle Creek Food Company. I am sure these foods were very nutritious and tasty. Ha! One of my "favorites" is, "Lima Bean-Rice Flakes". (I wonder why Kellogg's doesn't make these today!) There are "Saucettes" in a can. These were some sort of "sausages" made from soy beans. "Even the casings are from vegetable sources". Then there's "Nuttose". "Made from choice nuts, Nuttose has the consistency of cream cheese." Most of the foods in this catalog are heavily processed. They are canned (tinned), boxed and packaged. Very healthy hugh! We found this book in the house. For more on this catalogue see our "Some of the History of Medicine" page.
The Royal Road by E.J. Borzilleri A.M., PH. D., (The Johns Hopkins University) Copyright 1938 393rd Edition Printed March 1943. Printed 1941. Tyrrell Hygienic Institute, Inc. Founded in 1894 by Charles A. Tyrrell, M.D., Originator of the "J.B.L. Cascade Internal Bath". If I remember correctly, I got this at an estate sale. But I am not 100% sure. I remember buying it, but do not remember where it was.
P E P (Poise--Efficiency-- Peace) by Col. Wm. C. Hunter Copyright 1914; Third Edition, Mar. 1, 1915. "A Book of Hows Not Whys For Physical and Mental Efficiency." "Author of Brass Tacks, Dollars and Sense, The Bill Books." The Copp, Clark Co., Limited Toronto. "Be Pleasant every morning until ten o'clock., the rest of the day will take care of itself." I can't remember where I got this book. I remember buying this one too, but just don't remember where it was.
Mothering/Birth Everything from giving birth to the care and feeding of babies and children.
Genuine Mothering
How To Raise Children At Home In Your Spare Time by Marvin J. Gersh, M.D. Copyright 1966. Very humorous book dealing with common medical issues and children. It is a book that is still in print (as far as I know). Seems like a modern copy would be an excellent reference book especially if it was worded similar to this one. I would consult a modern edition as this one advocates giving children aspirin which is a big "no-no" today. I like his adult "two hat remedy" for colds. It involved putting a hat on one post of a four poster bed. You crawl into the bed with a bottle of brandy?. You drink the liquor until you see two hats on the bed post. I haven't tried it, but am sure it would be a good way to sleep if you have difficulty. Even if you do not have children this book has lots of common sense information and makes for a good laugh. I got this one at the big book sale maybe.
What To Expect When You're Expecting by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, and Sandee E. Hathaway, B.S.N. Copyright 1991 ISBN: 0-89480-829-X "Compliments of 1-800-453-WELL Oakwood Healthcare System". Came free as a promotion from a local hospital. Came with a brochure and bookmark from the hospital and a bookmark from the publisher.
Historical Mothering Information (Some of these are considered "quackery" now. Others of these were the latest and "best" information of the day.)
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Let's Have Healthy Children by Adelle Davis Author of "Let's Eat Right To Keep Fit". New Revised Edition Copyright 1951, 1959. I have read about this book on the U.S. anti-quackery web site. I may have gotten this one at an estate sale? |
Getting Ready To Be A Mother by Carolyn Conant Van Blarcom, R.N. Copyright 1929. Reprinted October, 1945. "A Special Edition Published Especially for LANE BRYANT, Inc. New York". Have no idea where I got it.
Expectant Motherhood by Nicholson J. Eastman Copyright 1947 Second Edition, Revised Have no idea where I got this one either.
Baby and Child Care by Dr. Benjamin Spock Copyright 1945, 1946m 1957 A Giant Cardinal edition 1st printing May 1946 120th printing April, 1963 If you are going to collect this sort of book, then this is a "must have". If I understand correctly, from a Biblical point of view, it is one of the worst books printed. Inside the book is found a half sheet of the Detroit Free Press from Sunday August 23, 1959. The article is titled, "'Benny Got Spanked' Dr. Spock's Mom Tells on Him".
The Care and Feeding of Children by Emmett Holt, M.D., LL.D. Copyright 1918 Ninth Edition, Revised and Enlarged "A Catechism for the Use of Mothers and Children's Nurses". If I remember correctly what I saw in the CBC documentary, "Canada A People's History", L. Emmett Holt was the "Dr. Spock" of his day. He heavily influenced the generation born around the First World War. Very famous book in its day. Very dangerous message!!!! I think I may have gotten this one in Ft. Worth. Don't remember where though.
Catnep and Fennel by O.I. Hess, M.D. Copyright 1911 This is the neat book that tells one how to modify cow's milk so that it resembles human breast milk. Don't know how accurate it is. I do not know if "scientists" yet know everything there is in breast milk. This book recommends that if a woman is not breastfeeding, that the baby be given "properly prepared and administered" milk. It says that milk from, "highly bred Guernseys, Jerseys, and Alderneys is not satisfactory for infant feeding". "Mixed milk from a herd of common grade cows should be selected. On page 14 under, "Nursing" is this quote, "In these days when truth is enforced by the logic of statistics, any healthy woman who refuses to nurse her child becomes an accessory to the crime of Infant Mortality, and she should leave the perpetuation of the race to those who are endowed with the maternal instincts of the true mother". Wow! Same time period, but highly different message to the one given out by L. Emmett Holt. Don't remember where I got this one.
The Mothercraft Manual by Mary L. Read Copyright 1916 but says under the publisher, "1928". Don't know where I got this one. Wait! I may have gotten it in The Book Stop that used to be in the area.
Prenatal Care Children's Bureau Publication No. 4 United States Department of Labor I don't find a copyright in this book, it does have "1938" after the publisher info. "United States Government Printing Office Washington". I do not know if we found this in the house or what. It could have come from "anywhere".
The American Way of Birth by Jessica Mitford Copyright 1992 First Printing November, 1992 ISBN: 0-525-93523-1 Great book!!!! I bought it April 22, 1997 when I worked at F&M a discount drug store (chemists). At this point they were probably "Drug Emporium". (Which wasn't so "discount".) I bought two books that day. Don't have any idea what the other one was. They were both $3.99. These were brand new books, but they were discounted. (overstock?). This has a lot of neat information in it. I have written about this book on the "Food and Health Pages". I also remembered this book when I was reading Maria von Trapp's book. Someone in the U.S. suggested to a pregnant Maria that she see a doctor. Her reply was something like, but I'm not sick. Doctors in the U.S. like to "medicalize" naturally occurring things.
A Handbook of Obstetric Nursing for Nurses, Students, and Mothers by Anna M. Fullerton, M.D., Copyright 1899 Very interesting book for learning some of the history of medicine, especially as it deals with women. I believe I read in here, that after a woman gave birth she was cleaned, inside, with either a tincture of bichlorid of mercury or lysol. I could be wrong on that. I know they recommend that the nurse wash her hands with such items. When the woman gave birth that was the, "date of her confinement". Her abdomen and breasts were bandaged. She was kept in bed for several weeks. I have often wondered if this applied to rich and poor women, or was it just rich women who were "confined". I wonder if my granny's grandmother a Texas farmer's wife, had such a "confinement" every time she gave birth? They still called it a "confinement" when I was born in the early 1960's. This book is great in that it recommends more "sane" clothing styles, rather than the restrictive women's clothing of the time. I got this one at a garage sale in the 1990's. It might have been the Edison Street sale. I know it was a street sale here in town. It is a purchase I remember well.
Biography/History of Medicine See also section with "Old Medical Textbooks".
A Few Buttons Missing by James T. Fisher, M.D. and Lowell S. Hawley Copyright 1951. Library of Congress Catalogue Number 51-10666. Tenth Printing. "The Case Book of a Psychiatrist". I got this in Texas during the summer of 2005. It's a very interesting book. I have written in it with my famous red pen. It is surprising how much I know as a layman. There has been so much learned since this book was written. People with mental illness who, for whatever reason cannot or do not get, proper "spiritual healing", they need help in some way. These people do not need a Psychiatrist, they need a neurologist. Psychiatry is a "philosophy". It is empty of any real help in my opinion.
The Fight For Life by Paul De Kruif Copyright, 1938. Book about "Public Health"? Don't remember where I got this one. The big book sale maybe.
The Life of Pasteur by René Vallery-Radot Copyright 1928. Translated From the French by Mrs. R. L. Devonshire. With An Introduction by Sir William Osler, Bart., M.D., F.R.S. Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford University. "Centennial The Centennial of Louis Pasteur calls vividly to mind the epochal discoveries of this great scientist. His life story is among the most fascinating in the history of science. As a man he was one of the most beautiful personalities the world has ever known. It is in identifying the man and his work that makes this book an achievement, and merits the dictum of the London Times that the book is the 'greatest biography of our age'." I got this at an estate sale, the big book sale or I don't know.
The Horse and Buggy Doctor by Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D. Copyright 1938. Thirtieth Edition K-N. This is the biography of Dr. Arthur E. Hertzler. I have three copies so that I can give two away. This is the hard back version. It has ten drawings and photographs.
The Horse and Buggy Doctor by Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D. Copyright 1938. Standard Book Number 0-8032-5717-1 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-105646 First Bison Book printing: June 1970. This is the paperback version. It has a foreword by Milburn Stone, who played Dr. Galen "Doc" Adams on "Gunsmoke" for 20 years. Milburn Stone was from Kansas like Dr. Hertzler. He also modeled his character, "Doc" Adams on a "Horse and Buggy Doctor" like Dr. Hertzler once was. The drawings appear in this version of the book, but the photographs do not.
Margaret Sanger Pioneer of Birth Control by Lawrence Lader and Milton Meltzer Copyright 1969 First Printing L.C. Card 72-81955 I know I got this at a charity thrift store. Not sure which one.
I Will Be A Doctor! by Dorothy Clarke Wilson Copyright 1983 ISBN: 0-687-19727-9 "The Story of America's First Woman Physician". I believe I got this book from my stepmother. It was some time after my father died.
History Of Medicine
Nature's Healing Arts From Folk Medicine to Modern Drugs by Lonnelle Aikman (National Geographic Society) Copyright 1977. ISBN: 0-87044-232-5 Deals with how scientists take certain therapies from traditional medicine and devise modern treatments for disease. Could also be thought of as showing how pharmaceutical companies exploit traditional cultures for profit. I think the way National Geographic meant it, was to show how science was finding miracle cures from folk medicine. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
University of London Heath Clark Lectures The History of Bacteriology by William Bulloch, M.D., F.R.S. Copyright (unknown) First Edition 1938 Reprinted 1960 Has inside it one scrap of plain white paper as a book mark. There is one yellow "Acknowledgment" copy of a "Purchase Order" from Wayne State University Bookstores. This book was special ordered, November 26, 1963. It was ordered from New Jersey. I am quite sure I got this at an estate sale. In my mind I remember it as being an estate sale "behind" the Country Club down the street. This is a very nice book. It has lots of neat stuff in it. I got a deal on it when I bought it.
Old Medical Textbooks/How To Become A Doctor
Old Medical Textbooks
Diseases of the Thyroid Gland by Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D., F.A.C.E.S. Copyright 1922. Arthur Hertzler was also the author of "The Horse and Buggy Doctor". (see "History of Medicine/Biography" section) Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D. F.A.C.S., "Professor of surgery in the University of Kansas School of Medicine; Surgeon to the Halstead Hospital, Halstead, Kansas; Surgeon to St. Lukes Hospital and St. Marys, Hospital, Kansas City, Mo., and to Provident Hospital, Kansas City, Kansas". With a chapter on Hospital Management of Goiter Patients, by Victor E. Chesky, A.B., M.D. Associate Surgeon to Halstead Hospital. One Hundred Six Original Illustrations. If I understand correctly, this book was one of the leading books in the thyroid field. It has some gruesome pictures of how to perform thyroid surgery. In those days, they left a huge scar across the base of the throat. Today the surgeon tries to minimize the scar. I got this one at a thrift store in Windsor, Ontario Canada. I was shocked to see it in there. I bought it because it was by the same author as "The Horse and Buggy Doctor". I didn't pay much for this book, but it is really an expensive book.
Text-Book of Materia Medica For Nurses by Lavina L. Dock Copyright 1905. Fourth Edition. Tells you the therapeutic properties of various substances. I think it also tells you how to use such things. Lavina L. Dock was an "early" campaigner for Women's Rights. Who knows where I got this book.
Lippincott's Nursing Manuals Essentials of Medicine A Text-Book of Medicine by Charles Phillips Emerson, M.D. Nellie Gates Bown, R.N. Copyright 1933. Old nursing text book.
A Handbook of Obstetric Nursing for Nurses, Students, and Mothers by Anna M. Fullerton, M.D., Copyright 1899 Very interesting book for learning some of the history of medicine, especially as it deals with women. I believe I read in here, that after a woman gave birth she was cleaned, inside, with either a tincture of bichlorid of mercury or lysol. I could be wrong on that. I know they recommend that the nurse wash her hands with such items. When the woman gave birth that was the, "date of her confinement". Her abdomen and breasts were bandaged. She was kept in bed for several weeks. I have often wondered if this applied to rich and poor women, or was it just rich women who were "confined". I wonder if my granny's grandmother a Texas farmer's wife, had such a "confinement" every time she gave birth? They still called it a "confinement" when I was born in the early 1960's. This book is great in that it recommends more "sane" clothing styles, rather than the restrictive women's clothing of the time. I got this one at a garage sale in the 1990's. It might have been the Edison Street sale. I know it was a street sale here in town. It is a purchase I remember well.
Gray's Pharmaceutical Quiz Compend -- A Condensed Compendium of Pharmaceutical Knowledge A Quiz Book by H.C. Gray, PH.G., and C.H. Bryan, M.D. Eighth Edition Copyright 1891 "Designed for the use of pharmaceutical students preparing themselves for examinations in colleges of pharmacy, and before the pharmaceutical examining board of the various states". Great book for studying what they used to do. Not every state had pharmacy laws yet. I think I got this at Rodegher's.
Saunder's Question Compends Essentials of Medical Diagnosis by Cohen & Eshner Copyright 1900 Reprinted September, 1911 "Saunders' question Compends, No. 17 Essentials of Diagnosis Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine by Solomon Solis-Cohen, M.D. and Augustus A. Eshner, M.D., Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged". Don't remember getting this one. I know I have it, but can't remember what it came from.
Medical Diseases for Nurses -- A Text-Book of Medical Diseases for Nurses by Arthur A. Stevens, A.M., M.D. and Florence Anna Ambler, B.S., R.N. Copyright 1931 No telling where I got this one. Probably got it at an estate sale of a former nurse.
Elementary Materia Medica by Walter W. Krueger, PH.B. Copyright 1929 Including Drugs and Solutions A Text-Book for Students of Nursing This book was once owned by a Ruth Sturdevant Williamsport Hospital I probably bought this book around here somewhere. Possibly at an estate sale of someone who used to be a nurse. Can't remember where it was.
Drugs and Solutions for Nurses Second Edition by Stella Goostray, B.S., R.N. Copyright 1927 Once owned by a Esther Stuyvesant. I probably bought this book around here somewhere. Possibly at an estate sale of someone who used to be a nurse. Can't remember where it was. I remember reading through this book though. I think it was in this book that I learned that overdose of aspirin causes ringing in the ears. Inside this book are some loose papers; 1 double sided hand written sheet with all sorts of information on it (notes) can't read the handwriting very well; One handwritten chart on "copy" paper, Calories, Ratio, P.F. Cho., g. of Diet; 1 pink brochure, "Changes in Official Antidotes Adopted February 1, 1928 The California State Board of Pharmacy". One thing in the pink brochure, "Formaldehyde (Formalines). Antidote-- If Swallowed, give ammonia in dilute solution followed with emetic of mustard. Demulcent drinks. Inhalations of ammonia.". Very interesting book.
Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology 7th Edition by Diana Clifford Kimber and Carolyn E. Gray Copyright 1926 Reprinted with corrections, May, 1930 This book was once owned by Ruth Sturdevant of Williamsport Hospital like the book above. May have gotten this at the sale of her estate. I am not sure where I got this one, and the "mate" to it. This is a good book if you want to know where something is -- or what a part of the body is called. I think a more modern anatomy book would be more appropriate for today's studying.
Nutrition in Health and Disease 7th Edition Unit Plan by Lenna F. cooper, B.S., M.A, M.H.E.; Edith M. Barber, B.S., M.S.; Helen S. Mitchell, B.A. P.H.D. Copyright 1935 Reprinted May, 1940. This book is sort of an "oxymoron" (if that is the correct usage). It is a medical text book on nutrition. If you listen to most people who teach about "nutrition" from the alternative health field, they say that nutrition is neglected in medical schools. I don't doubt that. I heard that from a doctor once. (A doctor who sold dietary supplements.) The frontispiece photograph is titled, "Breakfast Tray", and it is of a pleasing assortment of foods and dishes. It looks like something from room service of a hotel, rather than a meal to be given to a sick person. It very much resembles the photographs one would see in old etiquette books and some old cookbooks. The inside front cover is inscribed, "Grace Marie Ramsay". I assume this is a book for nurses. They may have neglected "nutrition" in the schooling for doctors. They wouldn't have done so in the schooling for nurses. Nurses are the ones giving the food to or at least seeing to the menus of patients. This book reminds me of the backs of etiquette and some cook books. They have menus and how to lay out trays for "invalids" or sick people. They tell you what foods to give the sick person, and how to make the food look more appetizing. I think this stuff is a lost art.
Functional Localization in Relation to Frontal
Lobotomy by John F. Fulton Copyright 1949 "Being
The William Withering Memorial Lectures Delivered at The Birmingham Medical
School 1948". This is one of the "scariest" books that I own. (not that I am
afraid of it) It is all about experimental neurology. These things got used on
people. In fact, the "frontal lobotomy" is still performed as far as I know.
They do it "to" people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I saw this book and
a book on Psycho-surgery at a garage sale. (NOT psychic-surgery.) I
didn't get the psycho-surgery book but should have. I asked the garage sale
"operator" who the doctor was. She said the reason for the medical books, was
"just my mother who bought them at garage sales". Ha! On the way home, I told
my husband that this book might come in handy sometime. Then I did some
"research" of it and its subject online. I found something in Russian, that
said that the frontal lobotomy ("ice pick" or "transorbital" surgery) was so
simple you could do it yourself. The inventor of "ice pick" surgery to perform
lobotomies, Walter Freeman
---eventually had his license revoked. He lacked surgical training.
Francis Farmer
never had a lobotomy.
How To Become A Doctor
Becoming a Physician by Jennifer Danek and Marita Danek Copyright 1997 ISBN: 0-471-12166-5 "A Practical and Creative Guide to Planning a Career in Medicine". I ordered this April 25, 2006 and it arrived, May 5, 2006. I ordered it through Burberry Books via Alibris. This is a very interesting and informative book.
Becoming Doctors: The Adoption of a Cloak of Competence by Jack, Haas and William Shaffir Copyright 1987 ISBN Number: 0-89232-718-9 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 87-2858. This is from the "Contemporary Ethnographic Studies" Edited by Jaber F. Gubrium Marquette University. It was once owned by a Nancy McFadden (1987) in the Sociology Department. (don't know what school) This book really belongs in the "Psychology/Psychiatry/Sociology" and I think I will stick it there as well. I do not understand how this book is "Ethnology" or even "Sociology". The first sentences in the "Preface" says, "Becoming Doctors: The Adoption of Cloak of Competence is an intimate portrayal of medical school socialization in an innovative medical school. Through first hand participant observation and informal interviews we describe student perceptions and adaptations to the process." This is a study of the program at McMaster University in Canada. I got this book in Canada? in 2004 or 2005. I forget which. It has a thrift store sticker inside it. I think I got it in Canada in 2005. I've slept since then, so I can't remember exactly.
Old Sex Education Books / Hygiene (Health) Textbooks Most of these books will speak of the "evils" of masturbation. Some books in our library even speak of the "evils" of birth control. Some of the very oldest of these books seem to either be reprints by other publishers, or they are just "re-hashing" the same information. Even the drawings seem similar if not the same.
Sex Education Books/Eugenics
The Physical Life of Woman by George H. Napheys, A.M., M.D. (no copyright) "Advice to the Maiden, Wife and Mother; To which is added 'Parturition (childbirth) Without Pain' by M.L. Holbrook, M.D.". This book was printed in "Toronto: The Musson Book Company, Limited". Has in the Appendix, "Mrs. Stanton's Testimony. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, in a lecture to ladies, delivered after most of this work was in print, thus strongly states her views regarding maternity, and painless parturition:--" This is probably a later edition, but I found part of this book online and they say it is from 1869. This book was written when ether and other anesthetics were new. Because of what it says in Genesis about a woman having "sorrow" in childbirth, people taught that anesthetics used in childbirth went against what God wanted. What they didn't know is that "sorrow" in Genesis 3:16, is really the word "labor". Child birth is a lot of work from what I understand. But it doesn't have to be painful. (Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.) Don't know where I got this book.
Purity and Truth Self and Sex Series What A Young Man Ought To Know by Sylvanus Stall, D.D. Copyright 1904. "The Glory of Young Men is Their Strength." Very impressive book. Bought Shiloh Christian Bookstore 08-03-01 (August). For $5.30 with tax.
Eugenics "Nature's Secrets Revealed Scientific Knowledge of The Laws of Sex Life and Heredity or Eugenics" "Embracing a Department on Ethics of the Unmarried by Professor T.W. Shannon A.M." "Introduced by Bishop Samuel Fallows, D.D., LL.D." Copyright 1916 published 1917. "Medical Department by W.J. Truitt, M.D." "Vital Information for the Married and Marriageable of all ages; a word at the right time to the boy, girl, young man, young woman, husband, wife, father and mother; also, timely help, counsel and instruction for every member of every home. Together with important hints on Social Purity, Heredity, Physical Manhood and Womanhood by Noted Specialists." I don't know where I got this book.
"Safe Counsel" Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics by Prof. B.G. Jefferis, M.D., PH.D. and J.L. Nichols, A.M. Copyright 1919 Published 1920. Over 1,000,000 Copies Sold. A Guide to purity and physical manhood advice to the maiden, wife and mother love, courtship, and marriage. With excerpts from well-known Authorities, Rev. Leonard Dawson; Dr. M.J. Savage; Rev. H.R. Haweis; Dr. Pancoast; Dt. Stall; Dr. J.F. Scott; Dr. George Napheys; Dr. Stockham; Dr. T.D. Nicholls; Dr. R.L. Dugdale; Dr. John Cowan; Dr. M.L. Holbrook. Don't know where I got this book.
The New Eugenics Parents Medical Counselor by C.S. Whitehead, M.D. and Charles A. Hoff, M.D. Copyright 1929 "Designed in Particular for Fathers and Mothers Young Men and Young Women with the earnest hope that millions yet unborn may have the inalienable right of being Well Born. This volume is affectionately dedicated by the authors." "Part II Home Doctor or Parent's Medical Counselor." Don't know where I got this book.
Sane Sex Life & Sane Sex Living by H.W. Long, M.D. Copyright 1937. Authorized Edition. Eugenics Publishing Co., Inc. New York. "Some things that all sane people ought to know about sex nature and sex functioning; its place in the economy of live, its proper training and righteous exercise." I probably got this book at the big book sale. I am not entirely sure. There is a brochure (poster) that came with the book. "For The Good of the Race". It is books listed for sale by "Personal Books, Inc." There are books by Havelock Ellis, Dr. Marie C. Stopes and others. (Marie Stopes was a Scottish woman whom did in the U.K., similar work to what Margaret Sanger did here in the U.S. There are "family planning clinics called "Marie Stopes" in the U.K. today. She was also into Eugenics.) Another book on that poster is by a Dr. William Sanger "The History of Prostitution" which is popular amongst Civil War re-enactors. I don't know if Dr. William Sanger is at all related to Margaret Sanger. Another poster in the book advertises "Married Love" by Dr. Marie C. Stopes. "A Solution of Intimate Sex Difficulties". "Now Only 25¢. Originally published at $3.00." There is also an envelope made out to "Personal Books", with which to send in your order. Also in this book at the back was this pamphlet; Picture Story of Woman's Sexual Life Eugenics Publishing Company New York Copyright 1934. "A Portfolio of Illustrations which comprise a Picture Story of Woman's Sexual Life". I probably got this book at the big book sale, but I am not entirely sure.
Is Sex Necessary? Or Why You Feel The Way You Do by James Thurber and E.B. White 1944 Blue Ribbon Books; Copyright 1929, by Harper & Brothers. Front inscription says, "To Johnny-- For further research Mac--." I may have gotten this book at the big book sale. According to Wikipedia this is a "spoof".
So Youth May Know by Roy E. Dickerson Copyright 1948 by The International Committee of the Young Men's Christian Associations (YMCA). First Printing Revised Edition "Sex Education For Youth" Revised Edition; Foreword by Percy R. Hayward Editor of International Journal of Religious Education". Don't know where I got this book.
For Girls and the Mothers of Girls by Mary G. Hood, M.D. Copyright 1914 A Book for the Home and the School Concerning the Beginnings of Life I forget where I got this one. Ft. Worth maybe? No! I probably got it around here somewhere. Maybe the big book sale. It has a sticker on the inside front cover, "Dennen's Book Shop 37 E. Grand River Ave. Detroit, Michigan".
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R.V. Pierce M.D. Copyright 1895 Forty-Sixth Edition World's Dispensary Medical Association This is very much a historic book. It is also a very well known "quack book". Has lots of sex ed. "eugenics" stuff in it. It has lots of testimonials for "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription". This was a patent medicine which contained opiates. There are some interesting things in this book as far as the history of medicine.
Health Textbooks
Steele's Science Physiology by Joel Dorman Steele, PH.D. Copyright 1888 (has an endorsement in the front from June 20, 1889) "Pathfinder Physiology No. 8 Hygienic Physiology with special reference to the use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics Being a Revised Edition of the Fourteen Weeks in Human Physiology. Enlarged Edition with Selected Readings Edited for the use of Schools, in accordance with the recent Legislation upon Temperance Instruction." This book has stamps and writing in the front: "G.N. Bruce Druggist and Bookseller, Opp. Evart House, Evart, Mich.; Roland Munson Sears? Oceola (Osceola) Co., Michigan; G R Munson". I am not really sure where I got this book. I assume I got it at the big book sale. Or did I get this one at Rodegher's Used Books?
Applied Physiology Including The Effects of Alcohol and Narcotics by Frank Overton, A.M., M.D. Copyright 1898. Primary Grade. Once owned by Amanda Schle and Walter W. Fellenbuger? Lodi Mich. 1903. I got this at Rodegher's Used Books?
Gulick Hygiene Series The Body and Its Defenses by Frances Gulick Jewett Edited by Luther Halsey Gulick Copyright 1910. The back cover has a tear in it. I do not know where I got this book. Was originally owned by Wilbir (Wilbur?) Winkelhaus Hamburg Mich. April? 24, 1917. Ralph Otto Winkelhaus.
Third Aid (what most people call, "First Aid ")
Emergency Aids In The Home Compliments of The Western and Southern Life Insurance Company. A Mutual Company Cincinnati I, Ohio. Form L-121 ED. 10-56. (1956?) We probably found this one in the house here.
American Red Cross First Aid Text-Book Prepared by the American Red Cross for the instruction of First Aid Classes Copyright 1937 Corrected Reprint 1940 This one was owned by Douglas' grandmother Weber.
American Red Cross Red Cross Home Nursing (American Red Cross Textbook on Red Cross Home Nursing) by Lona L. Trott, R.N., B.S. Copyright, 1942, by The American National Red Cross, Washington, D.C. This one was owned by Douglas' grandmother Weber.
American Red Cross Red Cross Home Nursing (American Red Cross Textbook on Red Cross Home Nursing) by Lona L. Trott, R.N., B.S. Copyright, 1942, by The American National Red Cross, Washington, D.C. This copy once belonged to my Granny. It is rather beat up and scribbled in. It was a favorite book to "read" when I went to visit my Granny. Actually I just looked at the pictures in it. This was before I was in school. Somebody pointed out the photo of the lady nursing a baby on page, 238. I think my uncle or somebody thought it was really a "naughty" photo when they were young. Memorable photos for me are of the little boy on pages 102 and 103. They are showing the boy climbing steps to the toilet and the sink--so that he could use them himself. I don't know why those were fascinating. The drawings on page 16 and 17 were fascinating too. The one on 16 is a little "scary" even today. The man is in a bed and cold air from a window is hitting him. His feet are out from under the blanket. It is illustrating "Not this kind of bed". The man doesn't look very happy---it is a "scary" look on his face. In the other drawing he is sleeping pleasantly.
This book had belonged to my grandmother I think she
took the course (or studied from this book) via her "Home
Demonstration Club". {I am writing this current entry
July 1, 2006. I am not sure it is 100% accurate. I am waiting on some info. to
arrive via E-mail. When it does I may change some of this. [Oklahoma
Avenue Home Demonstration Club] I have always wondered if the "Home
Demonstration Clubs" were not similar to the "Women's
Institute" in the U.K. Home Demonstration Clubs would have a new name of
some sort now. The agency that governed them, became the
National Association for Family and Community
Education. Looking at their web site, I don't think they are near the same
organization they once were. I think it used to be part of the
United States Department of Agriculture via
what became the Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). [This tells some of
the history of the Home Demonstration Agent:
Elsie Carper
Collection on Extension Service, Home Economics, and 4-H Historical Sketch.]}
Public Health/Public Hygiene
About 100 years ago, Public Health and Public Hygiene were very important. (I am writing this in 2006.) Public health laws were instituted in order to prevent diseases. That is why there are "antiquated" laws still on the books, such as the one forbidding spitting on the sidewalks. If only those laws were enforced today! People would find it outrageous if they were fined for spitting on the sidewalk. Originally that law was put on the books to fight infectious diseases like tuberculoses. I wonder which, and how often, diseases could be prevented if we just enforced that one law?
Hygiene and Public Health by George M. Price, M.D. Copyright 1919. Second Edition, Thoroughly Revised. Book once owned by Dr. John J. Loughlin Police Surgeon New York City. Has a torn page (213-214). At 214 and 215 is pasted a typed sheet of amendments on onion skin paper. It is dated, Nov. 2, 1937. On page 242 under Scarlet Fever there is a hand written amendment, under the "infectious agent". "Unknown" is marked out and "The Streptococcus Scarlatinae" is written in. I don't know if there are any other amendments written in the book. I remember buying this book. I bought it at Rodegher's Used Books.
Bacteriology and Sanitation Prepared by Glenn M. Hobbs, Ph.D. Copyright 1917 "Instruction Paper" "American School of Correspondence". Has lots of history of bacteriology. Also talks about the efforts made in the Panama Canal Zone to rid the area of malaria mosquitoes and yellow fever. I think this is the book that uses the term "guinea pig". And in this case they were talking about the animal called a "guinea pig" and not a human substitute. (the book is not using the term to mean a human as substitute for the guinea pig) There is a photo on page 24, "Inoculating Guinea Pigs with Germs to Recover Them in the Blood". This one book very interesting for the history it contains. This is the book with a table listing causes of death. "Table 1 The Ten Leading Reported Causes of Death in Massachusetts in Order of Frequency 1856 and 1904". The leading reported cause of death, went from "consumption" (tuberculosis) to "heart disease". During that time, as a society we learned to wash, i.e. we sanitized. We put in sewers and other sanitary projects. Then also during this time, we went from eating healthy animal fats to eating un-healthy transfats. I can't remember where I got this one.
A Tale of Soap & Water Copyright 1928 by the Cleanliness Institute Fourth Edition, 1000,000, February, 1931 "This book for seventh, eighth, and ninth grades may be secured by writing School Service, Cleanliness Institute, ... Review copies free to school administrators". An illustrated "tale" of the history of soap and water. I found out online, that the "Cleanliness Institute" was an organization of the U.S. soap industry. What I saw online, said something to the effect that this was a propaganda piece for the soap industry.
A New History of Social Welfare by Phyllis J. Day Copyright 1997 ISBN: 0-205-19798-1 Second Edition. I am not sure this book belongs in this section. It might belong on the political books page. I am sure this is a very leftist book. I guess it belongs here as it deals with "social work". I am putting this book under the "Psychology/Psychiatry/Sociology" section too.
The Nurture Assumption by Judith Rich Harris Copyright 1998. ISBN: 0-684-84409-5 "Why Children Turn Out The Way They Do. Parents Matter Less Than You Think And Peers Matter More." Why do you think The Bible says, to bring up children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord"? (Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.) This book was extremely controversial when it came out. The subject was very popular in "news" broadcasts. I think this book is a load of _____. To me, it shows how important parents really are. It is also an example of how the "lunatics" would get rid of parents so that children could be "scientifically" or "properly" reared. I got this one at the big book sale? No! I got it June 8, 2003. See this "blog entry" to learn more.
Pharmacracy by Thomas Szasz Copyright 2001. ISBN: 0-275-97196-1 First published in 2001. "Medicine and Politics in America." Thomas Szasz co-founded the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) along with the Church of Scientology. Although I am somewhat, "anti-psychiatry", I do not always agree with The Church of Scientology. As far as I understand it, "they" want to replace psychiatry with Scientology. I am not sure that Thomas Szasz is a Scientologist. He may have distanced himself from them, but I am not sure. This should be an interesting book though if you do not mind its condition. This book has some mildew damage from being exposed to moisture at some point. It was that way when I bought it. I forget where I got this one.
How To Psycho-Analyze Your Neighbors by Clement Wood. Copyright but no year given. Little Blue Book No. 1344. Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius. I thought this booklet was a "real hoot". I think I got it at a garage/estate sale. I got it with some other "Little Blue Book" booklets.
Psychodietetics by Dr. E. Cheraskin and Dr. W.M. Ringsdorf, Jr. with Arline Brecher Copyright 1974. First Published in 1974. ISBN: 0-8128-1725-7 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 74-78529 "Foods as the key to emotional health". About how foods "can make you crazy" (my words). If you don't eat correctly, you can have all sorts of emotional issues. Depression is one of them. June 8, 2003 charity thrift store, not sure which one. See "blog entry" on this site, for more details.
Becoming Doctors: The Adoption of a Cloak of Competence by Jack, Haas and William Shaffir Copyright 1987 ISBN Number: 0-89232-718-9 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 87-2858. This is from the "Contemporary Ethnographic Studies" Edited by Jaber F. Gubrium Marquette University. It was once owned by a Nancy McFadden (1987) in the Sociology Department. (don't know what school) I do not understand how this book is "Ethnology" or even "Sociology". The first sentences in the "Preface" says, "Becoming Doctors: The Adoption of Cloak of Competence is an intimate portrayal of medical school socialization in an innovative medical school. Through first hand participant observation and informal interviews we describe student perceptions and adaptations to the process." This is a study of the program at McMaster University in Canada. I got this book in Canada? in 2004 or 2005. I forget which. It has a thrift store sticker inside it. I think I got it in Canada in 2005. I've slept since then, so I can't remember exactly. This book is also listed under "How To Become A Doctor".
A New History of Social Welfare by Phyllis J. Day Copyright 1997 ISBN: 0-205-19798-1 Second Edition. I am not sure this book belongs in this section. It might belong on the political books page. I am sure this is a very leftist book. I guess it belongs here as it deals with "social work". This title is also listed under the "Public Health and Public Hygiene" section.
General Books About "Medicine" And Health The information in these books are mostly of the "mainstream" health variety. I have them in here as information only.
General Books
Healing And The Mind by Bill Moyers Copyright 1979, 1973. ISBN: 0-385-47687-6. Transcripts from a PBS series. I got this one at the big book sale.
A Woman's Book of Life by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. Copyright 1996. ISBN: 1-57322-043-4. "The Biology, Psychology, and Spirituality of the Feminine Life Cycle". I take this book with a grain of salt since it is feminist. I got it at the thrift store at Telegraph and Joy road.
Outrageous Practices The Alarming Truth about How Medicine Mistreats Women by Leslie Laurence and Beth Weinhouse Copyright 1994 First Edition: October 1994 ISBN: 0-449-90745-7 Bought Feb. 2, 2002 at Kroger's at Westborn. This is heavily a feminist book. If it weren't for a man, women would get better medical treatment/better advancement in medical careers. The male monopoly of medicine has always been an issue. Doctors originally fought the training of nurses, thinking that it would infringe on what they were doing. I just don't like to blame men for every ill that befalls women. I wrote a note inside the front cover, "A subtitle for this book could be 'Doctor's can be idiots at times'". Of course that statement applies to anybody and not just doctors really.
Why We Will Never Win The War On AIDS by Bryan J. Ellison and Peter H. Duesberg Copyright 1994 ISBN: 0-9646475-0-8 "AIDS Dissident" text. Bought May 9, 2006 at Rodegher's during the big book buying putsch of April and May of 2006.
Books That I Didn't Know Where To Stick
The North American Almanac 1926 by North American Almanac Co. Copyright 1925 Advertises, "American Drug Co. 208 E. Front St. Traverse City, Mich.". I think this may have been an advertisement "give away". Has all sorts of interesting information in it. Has photographs of the huge New England ice storm of November 1921. It looks similar to the ice storm that hit Quebec in the 1998. The issues they had in 1921 stemmed from the eruption 1883 of Krakatoa. The big interest of this book is the advertisements. Face creams, "Yeast Foam Tablets", "Mentha Pepsin", "EOPA Neuritis Tablets", "Simplex Hair Coloring", "Enoz Fly Spray", "Griswold's Family Salve", "Henderson't French Dressing-- For Salads, Fish, Cold Meats", "Royal Glue-- Stickiest Sticker Ever Stuck", etc. A lot of interesting "quack" items are advertised in this book.
The Road To Wellville by T. Coraghessan Boyle Copyright 1993 First Viking Edition. ISBN: 0-670-84334-2 This book is a fictional account of the "early days" of the Battle Creek, Michigan sanitariums that spawned the cereal craze. This book was made into a movie staring Matthew Broderick. Interesting book but not 100% true to the real history of the era. This is a novel. I may have gotten it at the big book sale, but am not 100% sure. For a look at a real book from "Battle Creek Food Company" see the section on "Quack" books.
The Snake Pit by Mary Jane Ward Copyright 1946. An autobiographical account of Mary's year long stay in a mental hospital after a nervous breakdown. It was made into a movie also. I once read the digested version in an old Reader's Digest. This book will make you think twice about mental health treatments. Believe it or not, some of the most "gruesome" treatments available back in the 1940's are still in use today. AND if you have a mental illness, some of these treatments can be given to you against your will. I got this at the big book sale? I was happy to find it. If you collect books on psychiatry, it is one book that must belong in the collection.