Biblical Books

These are the Biblical books that we have.  If you want to borrow a book, let us know. 
This page was last updated:Thursday November 02, 2006 12:52  


Bibles  These are the various Bibles we have in the collection.


HELPS Biblical Research Books: Concordances; Lexicons; Bible Dictionaries; Word Books; etc.




Teaching (Instruction) Books with Bible Teachings in them.  Teaching Books; Devotionals; etc. (There is one Biblical Teaching Book listed in the Gardening Books and Botany list. It is the very first book.) 


Church History Books Dealing with the history of the Christian Church; The Reformation; Denominational Histories; Russian Reformation; Etc.



Missionaries   Books about missionaries.  (See also "Biography" section.)  I know it is best if people are reached with The Word via people of their own culture.  But I admire some Missionaries.  I did something similar to Missionary work once.  That's how I met my husband.  And then people who witnessed to me with the Truth of the Word, they were doing missionary type work.  A lot of cultures wouldn't have a written language if it wasn't for missionaries.


Church Politics/ Denominationalism This section is about various aspects of Churches and Denominations.  There might not be many books that end up in this category.  I do not believe that only one denomination has, "The Truth".  Some teach better things than others.  But they all have a lot in common.  We can learn something from all of them. 



Hymnals and Song Books


Biography (See also "Missionary" Section)


Fun Books / "Trivia" Books/ Games  I know there is nothing "trivial" about The Bible.  But, some of these books call themselves, "Trivia" books.  These are interesting books with various questions.  Some of the questions venture into broad speculation.  Some of the questions are very good. The answers are not always accurate.  I was given the one book as a gift.  I have taken it and a Bible along on car trips we take.  It is difficult to read in a moving car.  I hope to keep the driver awake with the interaction of asking him questions.  I can't do it for very long.  Once I read the question, it is difficult to read the answer in a Bible.  If we bring a small trip sized Bible the text is too small to read when the book is moving. 


"Advanced Class" Studies



First Amendment/ "The Culture War"/ Secularism Etc. These are books dealing with "Separation of Church and State"; "The Culture War"; There's one anti-Bible book in here.  These are just all for reference.


Religions This section is about Religion(s) and other such things.  It has mostly reference books in it.  I just have these books for when I run across something online, and I say, "What in the world?!", I can look it up.