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This is a page of the best Biblical links I have collected. Believe it or not, I do not have EVERYTHING on here. I haven't found it all yet. And I haven't put in everything I had either. These are mostly links that I had in my "favorites" bin. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all these sites! I am not always sticking these in any particular order. I will put the important ones first for the most part, but that doesn't always happen.
This whole page may not fit on your screen nicely. I am not good at fixing formatting problems.
WARNING Even though this page is "Biblical" it is not 100% "family friendly" sorry. I was thinking that my main "audience" would be adults. I am not getting rude or anything, but there are some adult subjects covered on this page.
Index To This Page:
(Just click on the subject that interests you and you will jump to that section.) If you know of anything that ought to be on this page, yet it is missing, let me know about it please! Ministry Sites;
Believer's Sites;
Biblical Research /
Online English Bibles;
Bibles/Materials In Languages Other Than English ; |
There is quite a bit on here about the "Protestant" Church history of Russia. Few people know, but there was this huge Protestant movement in and around Russia right before the famous "Russian Revolution" in 1918. It was not all rightly divided properly, but it was, at its best, a wonderful thing. If you ever find a book, "In the Cauldron of Russia" by Ivan S. Prokhanoff, please read it. It is an inspiring book. It is similar to reading the book of Acts in the Bible. There are many great stories in this book. One is how they were having a big youth conference. The leaders of this conference were jailed. So, they decided to finish the conference in jail. They sang and had their worship services in the cells. The jailers wanted them to stop. But if I remember correctly the other prisoners wanted them to continue. Another time, one of the churches was raided. The Czars police went to confiscate what he thought were illegal publications---their hymn books. Any book, pamphlet etc. that wasn't printed officially, was an illegal publication. These hymn books were printed in the Czar's printing house. The police man had to leave them behind as they were not illegal! If you look up the history of the great hymn "How Great Thou Art", I.S. Prokhanoff plays a pivotal role in the history of that hymn. http://www.volcano.net/~jackmearl/stories/how_great_thou_art.html
One of the groups or denominations, written about in, "In The Cauldron Of Russia", are the "Molokans" or Milk People. The Molokans could have been the first people in the U.S. to Speak In Tongues at the famous, "Apostolic Faith Mission, 312 Azusa Street, Los Angeles". This church is regarded as the birthplace of "Pentecostalism". http://gecko.gc.maricopa.edu/clubs/russian/Molokan/NEWS/Azusa_Street.html Were Molokans the first to "Speak in Tongues" in Los Angeles?
http://www.cffm.org/ Christian Family Fellowship in Ohio
http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mor2/ Our Bible Fellowship Ministry of Reconciliation
http://www.cffil.org/ Christian Family Fellowship of Illinois
http://mywebpages.comcast.net/acdean/ Tony's Site!
http://www.3dentourage.com/word/ Rev. Jeff Rath's page
http://www.visualgreek.com Visual Greek: 300 + Cartoons! Fun with Biblical Greek! A Practical Guide to Reading God's Word in Greek
http://www.bytheword.com/ By The Word . com Bible Teachings, Christian Patriotism, and Insight
http://www.cortright.org/ Cortright's Fellowship
http://members.iquest.net/~szkotak/homeword.htm Home Word
http://www.bibelcenter.de/ Bible Center in Germany -- Wolfgang Schneider (In English http://www2.bibelcenter.de/info/)
http://www.believerlinks.org/ Believer Links From Cortright's Fellowship Links by State and Country
Biblical Research / Online English Bibles http://unbound.biola.edu/ The Unbound Bible (Very good site!!) http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/rsv.browse.html The Bible, Revised Standard Version http://www.christianlibrary.org/bibles/ BIBLE TRANSLATIONS In The Christian Library http://www.churchesofchrist.net/bibles/ASV/asvindex.htm Holy Bible The American Standard Version http://www.studylight.org/ Study Light-- Online Biblical Research Materials http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible? Bible Gateway (search various English versions) http://www.bible.org/ Net Bible: The Biblical Studies Foundation http://www.bible-researcher.com/
Bible Research http://www.greeknewtestament.com/ Parallel Greek New Testament Index http://cybergrace.com/html/bible_reference.html Cyber Grace Bible Reference http://www.pazdecristo.com/logos.htm Various Biblical Search links http://www.biblestudytools.net/ Bible Study Tools at Crosswalk http://www.newcreation.org/cbible.html Bibles and Commentaries http://members.tripod.com/~jproj/linkstudy.html Index To Bible Study On The Web-- Jeremiah Project http://aggelia.com/htdocs/bibletools.shtml Bible Study Tools http://www.internetdynamics.com/pub/vc/bibles.html Virtual Christianity links to Online Bibles http://www.audio-bible.com/ Audio
Bible--Audio Bible, http://adams.patriot.net/~bmcgin/asvpage.html Welcome To The American Standard Version Bible (ASV) Download Page http://www.sbible.boom.ru/indexe.htm I think this is software to download?. It is the Slavic Bible For Windows. There is also Advertised, "New! Classic English Bibles CD-ROM" with lots of neat looking stuff on it. This page is in English.
![]() The Best Free Bible Software Available! Below is the very "Neat Oh!" box--
Tools by...
Online Bibles/Materials In Languages Other Than English These are mostly pages of links to Bibles in other languages. Some of these also have links to Bibles in English. There are also links to research books and things in Biblical languages.
http://www.visualgreek.com/ Visual Greek: 300+ Cartoons! Fun with Biblical Greek! A Practical Guide to Reading God's Word in Greek
http://www.gospelcom.net/ibs/bibles/ International Bible Society links to Online Bibles
http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/ARTFL/public/bibles/ ARTFL Project: Multi-Lingual Bibles
http://www.scriptures.com/ SCRIPTURES. COM Taking the Word of God to the world via the internet.
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3964/ The Christian Center has links to Bibles in all sorts of Languages
http://faculty.acu.edu/~goebeld/home.html Mehrsprachige Ausgaben Multi-Language Editions
http://faculty.acu.edu/~goebeld/bible/bibmenu.htm German-English Parallel Bible
http://www.bibel-online.net/ Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers in der revidierten Fassung von 1984. (The Bible after the translation Martin Luther in the revised version of 1984. German Luther Bible of 1984.)
http://joyma.com/elberfe.htm Die Elberfelder Bibel-- The German Elberfelder Bible
http://www.efb.ch/welcome.htm Evangelische Fernbibliothek--This is the English page of "The EFB is a small christian-winged library in Switzerland (EFB means Protestant Remote Library)".
http://bible.guge.net/ Norwegian 1930 and King James Version (Norsk 1930 og Engelsk King James Version)
http://ortlib.narod.ru/ This should be, "Russian English Religious Glossary Religion"--But it is instead-- Православный библиотекарь (Orthodox librarian) Сайт о православных библиотеках и православных библиотекарях (Site about the orthodox libraries and the orthodox librarians). Maybe the Russian English Glossary is on here somewhere.
http://www.sbible.boom.ru/indexe.htm I think this is software to download?. It is the Slavic Bible For Windows. There is also Advertised, "New! Classic English Biblies CD-ROM" with lots of neat looking stuff on it. This page is in English.
http://www.bible.ru/ Bible And Russia There is English at the bottom of the page. I think this is mostly software to download. I don't think it is all free.
http://www.godrules.net/index.html?http://www.godrules.net/&2 Translate 1012--Bible Study Tools. This site has searchable Bibles in various languages--which is why I stuck it here. It looks like a pretty neat site. The lay out of this site is very much for young people. (There is also a link to the #1 Christian Porn site. Don't let that throw you off, it is in reality a web site for young people that is anti-porn. It is pro-Christian and gives a Christian message. Yet it comes across almost like a rude youth oriented site. You just have to find the FAQ under "Get To Know Us" in order to understand that they aren't as bad as they seem. Very much a young person's thing!)
http://www.visualgreek.com Visual Greek: 300 + Cartoons! Fun with Biblical Greek! A Practical Guide to Reading God's Word in Greek
http://faculty.bbc.edu/RDecker/nt_gram.htm New Testament Grammar and Syntax (Greek)--Resources for New Testament Studies (has, Online Sources of Greek Texts)
http://gbgm-umc.org/umw/bible/links.stm Lots of Links to Biblical Resources
Resource Page for Biblical Studies-- Focusing on the early Christian writings
and their social world
Biblical Archaeology, History And Culture
http://christiananswers.net/abr/home.html Associates For Biblical Research
http://www.bible-history.com/ Bible History-- Online Images and Resources for Biblical History
http://www.christianhistoryproject.com/ Christian History Project
http://web.odu.edu/webroot/instr/sci/plant.nsf/pages/bible The Old Dominion University Bible Plants Site
http://www.bib-arch.org/ Biblical Archaeology Society
http://jeru.huji.ac.il/open_screen2.htm The New Jerusalem Mosaic
This is not a complete list by any means. Some day maybe I can put one together. There is this rather large argument on the net called, the "Creationism/Evolution debate". Some people would say that it is a debate between "science" and "mythology". I don't!! If you want to know more about the "debate", just type in "anti-evolution" or "creation science" into Google. Oh, by the way, if you believe in Creation and not Evolution, "they" call you a "Religious anti-Rationalist". Ha!
http://www.creationdays.dk/ Creation Days in Denmark (These people are part of the, "Gap Theory" ring. They believe in the "gap" of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. Who says that Europeans don't believe in Creation?!!)
http://www.kjvbible.org/ Christian Geology Ministry (This is another of the "Gap Theory" ring. This might be the starting point.)
http://www.trueorigin.org/ The True.Origin Archive
http://home.entouch.net/dmd/dmd.htm DMD Publishing Co.
http://www.robibrad.demon.co.uk/index.htm Creationism and the Early Church
http://www.evolutionisdead.com/index.php Evolution Is Dead!: Chronicling the Demise of 19th Century Naturalism
http://www.icr.org/ Institute for Creation Research (This is "Young Earth Creationism".)
http://www.asa3.org/ American Scientific Affiliation--Science in Christian Perspective. Discussion of science and Christianity, ethics, apologetics, creation, and evolution
http://www.reformed.org/apologetics/why_I_believe_cvt.html Why I Believe in
God: Cornelius Van Til
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/index.html Restoration Movement
http://www.anabaptists.org/ Anabaptist Mennonites
http://www.unizh.ch/irg/zwingli.html Biography of Huldrych Zwingli (Most of this is in German, but there is a link to a brief bio. in Enlglish.)
http://www.mhsc.ca/ Mennonite Historical Society of Canada
http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sistine/0-Tour.html Cappella Sistina -- Tour the Sistine Chapel
http://www.ref-kirche.ch/ Reformed Church Switzerland?--Information + Dienstleistung für kirchlich Mitarbeitende und Kirchgemeinden
http://www.unizh.ch/irg/ Institut für schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte--Institute for Swiss Reformation History
http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/ The Religious Movements Homepage Project @The University of Virginia
http://www.spurgeon.org/ The Spurgeon Archive
http://www.gty.org/~phil/hall.htm Hall of Church History--Theology from a Bunch of Dead Guys
http://schoolsite.edex.net.uk/49/Christian.html Christian Links
http://www.ccel.org/ Christian Classics Ethereal Library
http://users.aol.com/SemperRef/ SEMPER REFORMANDA A Journal for Lutheran Reformation
http://www.kirken-paa-nettet.dk/bibel/catechm.htm Luther's Small Catechism
http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/wittenberg-home.html Project Wittenberg
http://www.cacc-sf.org/c-aefaith.htm CONFESSION OF FAITH of THE ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH Constantinople,Turkey July 1, 1846
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/resources/russian.html About the Book, The Other Revolution: Russian Evangelical Awakenings by Geoffrey H. Ellis and L. Wesley Jones Abilene: ACU Press, 1996 . ISBN 0-89112-022-x
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/subs/resource.html Restoration Movement Resources
http://gecko.gc.maricopa.edu/clubs/russian/molokan/NEWS/index.htm Molokan News
http://www.mospat.ru/ The Russian Orthodox Church (this is mostly in Russian) Официальный Web-сервер Московского Патиархата (Official Web- Server Of Moscow Patriarch)
http://www.bible.ru/ Bible And Russia There is English at the bottom of the page. I think this is mostly software to download. I don't think it is all free.
Church News/Church and State Relations
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ Christianity Today Magazine
http://www.evangelical-times.org/ Evangelical Times News and Comments for Today's Church
http://www.heartlight.org/ Heartlight Magazine
http://mnn.gospelcom.net/ Mission Network News
http://www.biblenetworknews.com/ Bible Network News
http://www.e-n.org.uk/ Evangalicals Now--Acclaimed by some as "the best evangelical journalism in England"
http://www.persecution.com/ Voice of the Martyrs
http://www.christianlaw.org/ Christian Law Association
http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/ Alliance Defence Fund
http://www.paradigmpub.com/guest.htm Religion Case Reporter
http://www.jesus.ch/www/ Jesus.ch (Swiss magazine in German) Jesus, Religion, Gott (God), Jesus Christus, News, Magazin, Kirche (Church), Religion, Gott,
http://www.uscirf.gov/index.php3?scale=800 United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
http://www.afa.net/ American Family Association
http://www.frc.org/ Family Research Council
http://www.family.org/ Focus On The Family With Dr. James Dobson
http://www.focusfamily.org.uk/ Focus Family
http://eagleforum.org/ Eagle Forum--Leading the pro-family movement since 1972
http://www.marriagewatch.org/ Marriage Watch
http://www.traditionalvalues.org/ Traditional Values Coalition
http://www.beverlye.com Bev Eakman
CLONING OF THE AMERICAN MIND: Eradicating Morality Through Education
Bible Book Shops / Bible Societies
http://www.shilohbooks.com/pages/639998/index.htm Shiloh Christian Book Store (Our Local Christian Used Book Shop)
http://www.christianbook.com/ Christian Book.com Christian Book Distributors
http://www.americanbible.org/ American Bible Society
http://www.biblesociety.ca/ Canadian Bible Society (We have been to their shop in London, Ontario. Very nice!) http://www.biblescanada.com/ Bibles Canada--The Online Book Store of Canadian Bible Society
http://www.gospelcom.net/ibs/ International Bible Society
http://www.biblesociety.org/ United Bible Societies
http://www.worldscriptures.org/ World Scriptures
http://www.bibelesbiedriba.lv/ Latvian Bible Society
http://www.bsr.ru/ The Bible Society in Russia
http://www.whatgoesintothemind.com/ Christian Stores--We Have Answers!
http://www.blbi.org/ Blue Letter Bible Institute
Other Biblical/Etc. Sites That May Be Of Interest This is very much a mixed bag.
http://christianity.about.com/mbody.htm?once=true& About.com Christianity
http://www.memoryverses.org/ The
Scripture Memory Connection
Dedicated to the support and encouragement of Christians who wish to memorize
portions of the Bible.
http://www.citw.org.uk/ Confidence in the Word--"A website to help Christians regain and increase their trust in the Bible."
http://www.sbl-site.org/ The Society of Biblical Literature--The Society of Biblical Literature's mission is to foster biblical scholarship.
http://www.crosswalk.com/ Crosswalk.com
http://www.christianwebsite.com/ ChristianWebSite.com--Home of the Best of the Christian Web
http://www.newmanmag.com/ New Man Magazine
http://www.christianityandrenewal.com/ The UK Christian web site-- Christianity + Renewal: UK Christian magazine with Bible teaching,
http://www.christiansunite.com/ Christians Unite.com--Your Christian Resource Community
http://www.carm.org/ Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
http://www.seekgod.ca/ Seek God--This website is an independent Christian research and apologetics ministry focusing on Christian Articles to Encourage, and Research Articles to Warn about the Global Ecumenical Movement, (One World Religion) involving groups from the Occult and New Age, to Evangelicals, Catholics, Pentecostals, Jews, Charismatics, Hebrew Roots and others. People have every right to believe what they wish. This site is about what we believe.
www.worldevangelical.org World Evangelical Alliance
http://affinity.org.uk/ Affinity/ Church-centered Partnership for Bible-centered Christianity. Was formerly The British Evangelical Council.
http://www.eauk.org/index.html Evangelical Alliance UK--at the heart of a movement for change
http://www.emw.org.uk/ Evengelical Movement of Wales
http://www.evangelicalpress.org/ Evangelical Press
http://www.londonbaptist.org.uk/lbahome.htm London Baptist Association
http://www.geocities.com/easilyundone1/ The Gospel Songbook
http://www.ekd.de/english/2169.html Evangelical Church in Germany
http://www.scripturekit.com/ Bruce Barton's Scripture Kit
http://www.leaderu.com/ Leadership University
http://www.christianityonline.co.uk/ Christianity Online-- Getting Connected in today's world
http://www.biblebelievers.com/ Bible Believers.com
http://www.christiankeys.ca/Entrance.html Christian Keys
http://www.logos.com/ Logos Bible Software for Bible Study and Exegesis
http://answering-islam.org.uk/ Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog and Apologetic
http://www.jesusfreak.org/ The JesusFreak.NetWork
http://www.banner.org.uk/ Cross + Word--Christian Resource of Scripture Studies PLUS the Work of Researchers and Discernment Ministries
http://home.att.net/~bbrownMD/index.htm Evangelical Baptist Church of Kursk Russia
http://www.evangelismupdate.com/ Evangelism Update
http://www.labri.org/ L'Abri Fellowship
http://www.xpucmoc.org/ Russian Christian Page (don't know if this is Orthodox or what)
Pages Of Links With, "Internet Resources on Computer-Assisted Biblical Research" If these don't work for you, or you want to learn more, go to www.google.com and do a search for the exact phrase "Computer Assisted Biblical Research". This is a very large subject and I have only put three links on here. You mostly find things about computer language, software and other things dealing with computers and Biblical research. It is very technical stuff.
http://www-writing.berkeley.edu/chorus/bible/links/ Computer Assisted Language Learning-- "Call @ Chorus"-- Selected Internet Resources on Computer-Assisted Biblical Research
http://www.balboa-software.com/semcomp/scbibann.htm An Annotated Bibliography on Computer-Assisted Biblical and Theological Research Dr. Harry Hahne, Tyndale Seminary, Toronto
http://www.bibletechnologies.net/AboutBTG.dsp The Oasis Website About BTG-- The Bible Technologies Group: Technology in the service of spiritual growth
For The Sake Of Argument, Some Selected Sites-- Non Christian; Sites, That Explain What I Believe (on my behalf); Etc.
There are tons of Atheist etc. stuff out there. You can find it on Google. These links are not always "atheist". I am just putting a sample of what I have found here. Infidels.org is one of the main ones, but I have left it off this list. I am just giving some hopefully useful information without all the really strange stuff. If you want the "really strange" stuff, you can look it up for yourself. I think this section is strange enough.
http://www.religioustolerance.org/ Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance--Promoting Religious Understanding, Tolerance and Freedom. This is a large religious web site which promotes religious diversity as a positive cultural value. (This might be a good place to go if you run across a person who believes in a religion that is unfamiliar to you. You can look up that religion on here to see what people say about it. Can't guarantee the accuracy of course. Look up what you believe to see if they are correct or not.) The "Intra-Faith Translating Dictionary" at this site, is very interesting. It tries to explain the various terms in used in modern Christianity. Not all Christians have the same definitions for the same words. http://www.religioustolerance.org/evan_dic.htm
http://www.adherents.com/ Adherents.com: Religion Statistics Geography, Church Statistics
http://www.sacred-texts.com/index.htm The Internet Sacred Text Archive (You never know what you might want to look up.)
http://www.religionwatch.com/ Religion Watch--Monitoring Trends
Just in case... http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/ The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. This is good when you read a word in a book and you go, "Hugh?". They don't have everything. "Pragmatism" is not in there, which is strange. It is considered the first (and only?) "American made" philosophy.
This is another one. http://www.saint-andre.com/ismbook/ism3.html "The Ism Book A Field Guide to the Nomenclature of Philosophy" http://www.saint-andre.com/ismbook/
http://skepdic.com/contents.html The Skeptic's Dictionary
http://www.cesnur.org/default.htm CENSUR--Center for Studies on New Religions
http://www.didjesusexist.com/ Christian Origins
Those above might be informative. These below are downright ???. Evolutionists eh! (As they might say in Canada.)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme Definition of "Meme" from Wikipedia
http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Cultural/Memetics/memecycle.html#3.3. The Lifecycle of Memes By Henrik Bjarneskans, Bjarne Grønnevik and Anders Sandberg (This explains what a Meme is. Meme rhymes with "dream" apparently. Richard Dawkins is a famous evolutionist.)
http://www.christianitymeme.org/ Christianity Meme Web Site (Very anti-Christian)
Where I Got Some Of The Clip Art For This Page
http://www.padfield.com/artindex.html Free Bible Clip Art
http://www.cc-art.com/ Christian Clip Art