Garden Videos


1. spider in sweet annie and bumble bee on goldenrod

2. More back garden and cats robin in the peach tree

3. (a) Umm... this one is "back yard with my voiceover"  Umm...   You'll have to turn the volume up "real loud", to hear this. I did the best I could with the sound.  It is essentially the same video as the one below.  Only, this one is 4:54 minutes long and it has my voice telling you what's what. Douglas was asking me for the calculator not the hole punch.  At the very end I start to say something but then I was going to stop the video at that point.  Oops!  I was going to say, that if you want to hear the original sound, see the video below this one.  This is the first time I have tried to put voice over on here.  I found out "real quick" why professionals use a script.  Umm... I say "umm" too many times.  Hopefully you can hear the sound even though it is faint. I can't figure out how to make it come out louder.

3.(b) This one has the original sound to it. Back yard or garden late summer 2006    4:28 minutes long

4. harvesting potatoes September 3 2006   9:08 minutes long