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I am writing up this page, on March 10 and
11, 2009
At left is a scan of a business card from the, "Littlefield Amusement Co.". Just click on it to see a larger and clearer view. On this page you will find the Littlefield, Texas paper ephemera that I have collected over the years. Right now, there's "Milk (bottle) Caps", "Miscellaneous" items, and then "Postcards". I get homesick and have a "favorite search" saved on eBay, for, "Littlefield Texas". A lot of the stuff on this page was bought on eBay. If I find any "new" things, I will stick them on here when it becomes available. Check back here from time to time, as you never know what might end up on here. Click on the images you see in order to view a larger version. The larger version will fill your screen. It could take a while to come up if you have a slow computer. I'm trying to get this page done and uploaded before a storm hits. If there's any problems with this page let me know and I will try to fix them. Let me know if you have trouble reading any of the text on here. Images on this page are for instructional purposes only. If I am violating your copyright please let me know and I will remove the offending images. If you want to contact me about this page, please click here to go to the feedback page. |
These below are some
"old" milk bottle caps. The dairies were in Littlefield, Texas.
Notice the fourth cap, it says, G.C. Vaught on it. The reason I say it
is from Littlefield, is because on the back it has written in pencil,
"Littlefield, Tx". The eBay seller thought it was from Littlefield
too. If you know for sure whether or not the G. C. Vaught dairy was in
Littlefield, can you let me know?
I know very early in his musical career, Waylon Jennings played at a dairy or creamery in Littlefield. I have no idea which one of these it was if any. I'm also a "keen" bottle collector (as they would say in England). If you know of any bottles for sale which were from these dairies, let me know. I would think about purchasing them. The G. C. Vaught milk cap is interesting for another reason. It says, "Grade A Raw Milk" on it. Can you believe it! I wish we could buy good quality raw milk in the stores here!! If you want to know more about the health benefits of raw milk, visit, http://www.realmilk.com/. As usual click on the picture to view a larger image.
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Miscellaneous Littlefield things I have found over the years. Except for the
picture just under this text, you can click on the images in order to view a
larger version. Text to the right of the image is the explanation of
that image. If anyone knows anything about the "stock" certificate below, can you let me know please?
Below you will find my collection
of postcards depicting Littlefield, Texas. I have been a collector of
postcards since the late 70's or early 1980's. Some of these I bought
in Littlefield. I have bought a great deal of the ones below on
eBay. As far as I know, these are the only Littlefield postcards that I
have. There could accidentally be more in the drawer upstairs.
And of course, I am apt to find more on eBay. If I get any new ones, I'll
stick them on here when it becomes available.
Some of the photographs were taken in the 1940's probably. Some were taken in the late 1930's. I am only guessing as to when they were taken. A knowledgeable person could date them by looking at the cars. Another thing, just because the photo on a postcard was taken in X year, that doesn't mean the postcard itself dates from that time. I have some postcards with "old" photographs on them but yet they were fairly recently printed. Sometimes a company will reproduce old photographs on postcards. In the case of souvenir postcards of a place, sometimes a company will keep reproducing old images because --- I don't know why exactly. I just know I find them new in souvenir shops. Perhaps they either sell regardless of the age of the image; or the company doesn't pay for new images. The card with the Lamb County Courthouse photo, was taken by Nelson C. Smith. He evidently took lots of postcard photos. On the back is a message from Mr. Smith to a postcard collector. This is one of the neatest postcards in my whole collection. It is the most recent card I purchased on eBay. (early 2009) Some of the other cards are similar to the Nelson C. Smith card. The backs were printed upside down compared to the image on the front. Most postcards have the side reserved for the message printed with the same orientation as the front picture. I have no idea if all the photos on the postcards with the backs upside down, were taken by Mr. Smith. I've tried to find out more about Nelson C. Smith but didn't find anything. Either I didn't look hard enough or there isn't much online about him. I think I might have other postcards with his name on them. I am not sure the seller of this card realized that the photographer had typed a message on the back of the postcard. If they had known this, I'm sure buying this postcard might have been cost prohibitive. If you know anything about the people mentioned on these cards, do let me know. It would be interesting to learn anything I can about these people. I type in the messages off the back of the cards where there is one. That way you won't have to decipher the handwriting. The spelling is their's. I include the backs of the postcards so you can see the handwriting and other info. If you see a ? in an odd place, after any text, that is because I couldn't make out what I was looking at. I wasn't sure I was typing in the correct text. Oh! The lines you see on some postcards are a problem with the scanning process. When they scan they get enlarged. The enlargeing process produces the lines. To the right of the images, is text about the postcards. Let me know if you find this layout confusing and I will try to make it easier to look at. Click on the images you see in order to view a larger version. The larger version will fill your screen. It could take a while to come up if you have a slow computer. Images on this page are for instructional purposes only. If I am violating your copyright please let me know and I will remove the offending images. If you want to contact me about this page, please click here to go to the feedback page. |