Radio Log


sw= short-wave radio/short-wave bands

mw= medium wave (AM-amplitude modulation)

LT= Local Time

GMT = Greenwich Mean Time



mb = meter band

N/A = not applicable

< = left on Sharp dial

> = right on Sharp dial


Log of some things I have listened to on the radio.


Sharp QT-77  Boom box radio

Grundig Satellit 700





This log is not "scientifically" accurate.  I think I get a lot of "harmonics" on the Sharp radio. I am trying to tune in on a Grundig Satellit 700 what I get on this Sharp radio.  That way I can put down an accurate frequency. Well, I can't always find on the Grundig, what I am listening to on the Sharp. The Grundig has issues. I have to run it off batteries. I am not sure it is working 100% like it ought to. I do know this Sharp is not a spring chicken either. It has definite issues.

Date Time Frequency Call Letters/ Name Location/ Transmitter Language Format of AM (MW) Weather Conditions Signal Quality Etc
June 22, 2006 Approx. 12:00LT 04:00GMT 9815 31mb BBC World Service Broadcasting to Africa? English N/A stormy out clear via Sharp
June 22, 2006 Approx. 12:15LT 4:15 GMT 9420 Unknown Greek? or Arabic? Music ??? Not English N/A stormy out fair via Sharp