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Monday February 22, 2010 23:14 |
I am writing up this page, June 20-25, 2007 This is a much expanded and updated version of the list of books on the Radio Favorites page. I was originally writing that page in 2003. I don't think I had started the Library pages yet, so the formatting of the original entries wasn't consistent with how I do the Library pages. I am correcting some "errors" in formatting now. The newer entries will be more "correct". I am also making some of the text in the older entries more "up to date". (I am not updating entries on the the Radio Favorites page.) Some of the books on this page belong in more than one category and are listed twice. Not all such books are listed twice. I use AltaVista to translate the German on this page. AltaVista has gotten a lot better these days, but alas not all of the English I got is correct. I tried to correct it when I could figure out the "better" English from the context.
Drama Writing Books How To Write for Radio Books
Other "Kinds" of Radio
Radio Drama Writing Books (See also "Radio Broadcasting Books" And check back to the Library pages, I hope to get a page with "How To Write Books" or "Books for Writers" on here some day.) The quest for finding books that tell how to write for radio, began when I first saw or heard an advertisement for the BBC World Service International Playwriting Competition. I don't know when that was exactly. I don't know if I first "heard" the announcement over the radio, or if I read it in London Calling magazine. I do know it was possibly the first competition they ever had. It wasn't too long (as the crow flies) after we moved here. We moved here in December 1989.
Radio Drama Theory And Practice by Tim Crook. Copyright 1999 ISBN: 0-415-21603-6 (pbk) I ordered this directly from the publisher in 2001. It was cheaper ordering it directly than it was having Little Professor's order it. Little Professor's had a fee they charged for special ordering things. I really miss Little Professor's mainly for their magazine selection. They sold magazines and newspapers from all over the world. This book is more "about" radio drama than it is about "writing" radio drama.
Professional Radio Writing by Albert Crews-- Copyright 1946 by National Broadcasting Company. This book was once in the Marygrove (College?) Library. I got this one at John K. King Books in Detroit. (I'm not allowed to go in there very often!)
Handbook of Radio Writing by Erik Barnouw--Reprinted October 1950. Mr. Barnouw once worked for NBC too. According to one source I found, this is supposed to be the best book there is on this subject. I couldn't believe that I found it when and how I did. I was at the big book sale on September 17, 2004. I was looking at coffee table picture books maybe, all of a sudden, I turned around and there was this book. Behind me was the section, "Useful Arts". Very plain to see, was the title, Handbook of Radio Writing. Gee!! Prayer works! Anyway, this seems like a very comprehensive book. There is some history of writing radio dramas at the front.
Radio Writing by Max Wylie-- Copyright 1939. This one is from a writer at CBS. I got this one at Booked Up in Archer City, Texas. (It's good that I live far away!)
The Young Writer, by Geoffrey Trease. A Practical Book. Copyright, 1961. This is a book of general writing information for young people. There is some radio drama stuff in there too. This book was printed in Great Britain. Somehow I think I got this in Texas too. But I can't remember for sure. I could have gotten it at Booked Up, in Graham or maybe in Olney. I'm not entirely sure where I got it.
The Right Way To Radio Playwriting by Val Gielgud There isn't a copyright in the front. It does go into writing for Television, so I assume it is from the late 1940's or early 1950's. Val Gielgud was the Director of Drama at the BBC. He was also the brother of Sir John Gielgud. I bought this online during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006.
The Way To Write Radio Drama by William Ash Copyright 1985 ISBN:0-241-11446-2 Pbk I bought this online during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006.
How To Write For Radio by Katharine Seymour & J.T.W. Martin Copyright 1931--First Edition I bought it on eBay in 2007. This is the earliest Radio writing book that I have. From the "Preface": "Within the last decade, a new form of creative writing has been developed, writing for radio. To those few men and women who have grown up with this new form of writing, who have written page after page of radio continuity and script during the past five years, radio writing is ancient"... Gee! Commercial radio started in the U.S. around 1923. (see below in the History of Radio Section, "Commercial Broadcasting Pioneer The WEAF Experiment, 1922-1926".)
How To Speak & Write for Radio by Alice Keith Copyright 1944 Was originally sold in Martindale's Book Store, 9477 Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills, Calif. At least the jacket is somewhat lined with printed paper packaging tape from that store. I bought it in the winter of late 2006 or early 2007 off eBay. I got it along with the book, Commercial Broadcasting Pioneer The WEAF Experiment, 1922-1926.
Radio Drama Theory And Practice by Tim Crook. Copyright 1999 ISBN: 0-415-21603-6 (pbk) I ordered this directly from the publisher in 2001. It was cheaper ordering it directly than it was having Little Professor's order it. Little Professor's had a fee they charged for special ordering things. I really miss Little Professor's mainly for their magazine selection. They sold magazines and newspapers from all over the world. This book is more "about" radio drama than it is about "writing" radio drama.
British Radio Drama Edited by John Drakakis Copyright 1981 ISBN: 0 521 22183 8 I bought this online during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006. Normally book collectors shy away from ex-library books. I don't mind them sometimes. This one once belonged to the "Westminster City Libraries Central Reference Library St. Martin's Street London". That's London, England. Way cool!
Old Time Radio Books (Radio "Tie In" Books etc.)
Stranger Than Fiction! by "The Voice of Experience"-- Copyright 1934. "The most universally significant and dramatic true human stories ever encountered by the famous radio "Voice" and here set forth, with the final outcome in each case revealed for the first time". This is a third printing. This was evidently a radio program broadcast over CBS. I think I may have gotten it at a charity thrift store in this area.
Brochure from "The Lamplighter" Jacob Tarshish Broadcast over Columbia Broadcasting System, Brought to the public under the sponsorship of, "Musterole, Zemo, and Zemo Ointment, Kreml Hair Tonic, and Kreml Shampoo, C.T.C. Seltzer". Wednesday, November 27, 1935. This one is titled, "Who are Your Friends?". I guess this is some sort of inspirational talk they gave over the radio. "The Lamplighter" Jacob Tarshish is presented by, Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, Kreml Hair Tonic, and Kreml Shampoo, Zemo, and Zemo Ointment, Musterole, Bost Tooth Paste. Station WOR, New York and Station WLW, Cincinnati, Sunday--2:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday--11:15 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Station WGN, Chicago, Sunday--1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday--10:15 a.m. Central Standard Time. The envelope is interesting. 1935 is three years before this house was built. The brochure (leaflet) came to my husband's grandmother when they still lived in Detroit. It is in a precancled envelope, which is collectable by stamp collectors. The other neat thing is the return address. Post Office Box 555 Grand Central Station, New York City. If you are at all a train buff, this makes it very cool! We did find some empty Zemo bottles in the house. Don't know what Zemo was (is?). Jacob Tarshish was a Rabbi. This is also interesting to me. I don't think Rabbis get as much radio and television time any more. Maybe I miss them somehow.
Bachelor's Children, A Synopsis of the Radio Program, Written by Bess Flynn. Published by Old Dutch Cleanser. Copyright 1939. This book is very much a "reading copy"--maybe. It is about to fall apart and some kid heavily scribbled on the back cover with a pencil.
Somewhere in the cedar chest, (I know it's the worst place! And I hope it is still in there somewhere.) there is another advertisement brochure. It is an advertisement tie in with the Amos and Andy radio program. It has a map of the town where Amos and Andy lived. I can't remember much more about it. It is buried in the cedar chest.
The Guiding Light by "Doctor John Ruthledge" Published by Guiding Light Publishing Co. Not Incorporated. Copyright 1938 "Tie in" book for the radio soap opera "The Guiding Light". This drama was originally written by Irna Phillips. It is now the longest running drama of any type. It still airs on Television under the title, "Guiding Light".
Breakfast Club Family Album Copyright 1942-- Don McNeill Chicago The Breakfast Club was a morning radio program that aired on ABC radio from 1933 to 1968. I bought this in Rodegher's in the Winter of 2007.
Radio Broadcasting (See also "History of Radio")
Handbook of Broadcasting by Waldo Abbot-- Copyright 1937, 1941. Associate Professor of Speech and Director of Broadcasting, University of Michigan; Member, Federal Radio Education Committee; Member, Radio Council, Chicago Public Schools; Educational Director of Station WJR. The first book I bought that had anything to do with writing radio drama. I either got this at John K. King Books; the long gone, C Books; or somewhere else in the area. It was more than likely John K. King Books. I am pretty sure it was. (When I was in there buying, "Professional Radio Writing" by Albert Crews, I saw another copy of "Handbook of Broadcasting".) I know I got it at John K. King Books. I am looking for a receipt as a bookmark, but I only find a note saying my mother called to wish me a happy birthday; and there's a card saying that I can subscribe to "Business In The USSR" with 11 issues being only $85.00. The inside back cover has a sticker from, "Hudson's Book Shop Detroit". This book is for people studying all aspects of broadcasting. It has everything in it. This book could easily be listed in three sections. Not everyone was going to get a job at WJR or WABC right away. There is a photograph of a guy doing the "dawn patrol" at KGFW in Kearney, Nebraska. "As well as the announcer in a small radio station, (he) must handle the controls, the transcription turntable, and announce the program all at the same time". It is an interesting book. I like the radio drama photos inside. They show some of the equipment of the sound "men". There are even some photos of actors and an actress doing a radio drama at WJR. I bought it so I could learn something about writing radio drama. I learned that back in the 40's, a fifteen minute radio "serial" only had eight minutes of dialogue to it. Once they had the opening credits, advertisements and closing credits, there were only eight minutes left. Wow! How do you advance a story and keep the audience interested in only eight minutes?
Short-Wave Radio (See also "Ephemera" section)
The Complete Shortwave Listener's Handbook--2nd Edition-- by Hank Bennett & Harry L. Helms. Copyright 1980. ISBN: 0-8306-1255-6 I got this at a charity thrift store in the area here. I found an E-mail inside it from Vladimir, when he lived in Kaliningrad. It was dated, January 28, 2001. Wow! That isn't that old. (as of 2003) It was later, on May 19, 2001 that his computer inadvertently sent us a computer virus. [Our first known computer virus.]
1990 Edition World Radio TV Handbook (WRTH) Volume 44 1990 Andrew G. Sennitt Editor Copyright 1990 ISBN: 0-8230-5921-9 "Comprehensive country-by-country listings of long, medium, and short-wave broadcasters by frequency, time and language. Very famous book in radio circles. I suspect that I got this one and the 1990 Passport at the same garage sale.
1990 Passport To World Band Radio Copyright 1989 ISBN: 0-914941-20-8 "On-the-spot news from around the world; Music and entertainment from 150 countries; 1990 Buyer's Guide to world band radios". I got this at a garage sale some months or years after the first Gulf War in the early 1990's. I suspect I got it along with the 1990 WRTH. There is a hand written note as a book mark, listing garage sales I went to. I stuck price stickers on it. The date says, 6-25-92. Don't know if this was the date I got this book, but suspect it might be. Loads of people bought short-wave radios in order to specifically listen to "news" about the first Gulf War. Later on I found a Sony ICF-2010 at a garage sale for $15.00. The lady had bought it during the first Gulf War. I couldn't convince my husband that I needed a second "good" short-wave radio in the house. He didn't understand that we were passing up an extremely good deal on a legendary radio.
1996 Passport To World Band Radio Copyright 1995 ISBN: 0-914941-37-9 "World's #1 selling shortwave guide!"
1997 Passport To World Band Radio Copyright 1996 ISBN: 0-914941-39-9 "World's #1 selling shortwave guide!" Included "Bonus Feature" on "Web Radio". "180 Stations and counting--from 30 countries".
1998 Passport To World Band Radio Copyright 1997 ISBN: 0-914941-45-3 "World's #1 selling shortwave guide!"
2003 World Radio TV Handbook ISBN: 0-8230-5967-7 "The Directory of International Broadcasting". "The World's most Comprehansive and Up-to-Date Guide to Broadcasting". I could have sworn I got this at Border's. But there is a mailing label I stuck on the inside front page, and some book marks inside that are from a book I ordered on Amazon.com. I don't know what the deal is.
Shortwave Listening Guide Grundig Copyright 1994 Lextronix, Inc. "A Guide to shortwave listening presented by the world's leading manufacturer of shortwave receivers". I debated and debated... It was either the Grundig Satellit 700 or it was the Sony ICF-2010... what won out in the end was styling. Women tend to go with their emotions, and the buttons on the Grundig won out over the performance of the Sony. I probably should have gotten a Sony from Adray's. Instead I got a factory reconditioned Grundig from Universal Radio.
Der Kurzwellenempfang (Short-Wave Reception)
Grundig Deutsche Welle-Köln
Grundig AG.D- 8510 FÜRTH 09624-971.01
8/48 Booklet in German, English, French and Spanish from
Deutsche Welle and
Grundig. I got it with the Satellit 700. It explains how to improve short-wave reception. Deutsche
Welle isn't located in Köln (Cologne) anymore. It
is now located in Bonn. "Herausgeber (Publisher)--- Deutsche Welle -
HA Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (___ Public Work)
Verantwortlich für den inhalt (Responsible for contents) Technische
Direktion (Technical management)--- HA Hochfrequenztechnik (___ High-frequency
Postfach (P.O. Box) 10 04 44 - D-5000 Köln (Cologne) 1
Sonderdruck für Grundig mit freundlicher Genehmigung (Special edition for Grundig with friendly permission)".
Grundig The Beginning of a New Experience Shortwave Listening Guide This booklet came with the Grundig Yacht Boy 400PE that I got at Adray's. Looks to be an updated version of the Shortwave Listening Guide I got with the Satellit 700. This one is probably identical to the one I got with the Grundig G-2000A I got from Canada via eBay.
Grundig The Beginning of a New Experience Shortwave Listening Guide This booklet came with the Grundig G-2000A I got from Canada via eBay. Looks to be an updated version of the Shortwave Listening Guide I got with the Satellit 700. This one is probably identical to the one I got with the Grundig Yacht Boy 400PE.
Ham Radio For Dummies by Ward Silver Copyright 2004 ISBN: 0-7645-5987-7 I bought this online during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006. I took a class in 2006 to get an amateur radio license. I had hoped to read this book before I took the class.
Now You're Talking! Edited by Larry D. Wolfgang, WR1B Copyright 2003-2005 The American Radio Relay League, Inc. ISBN: 0-87259-881-0 "All You Need For Your FIRST Amateur Radio License". I bought this online during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006. I bought it to study before I took my amateur radio class in 2006. I bought this book and then the instructor's told me I should buy ARRL's Tech Q & A.
ARRL's Tech Q & A by the ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio Copyright 2003-2005 ISBN: 0-87259-882-9 I took a class in 2006 to get an amateur radio license. This is the book I used to study for the class.
Updated February 15, 2008
This book is
no longer in the
International Morse
Code (Instructions)
Departments of the Army and the Air Force September 1957 Department of the
Army Technical Manual TM 11-459 Department of the Air Force
Technical Order TO 31-3-16 Washington 25, D.C., 17 September 1957
This manual supersedes TM 11-459, 9 August 1945, including C 1, 19 May 1952
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington 25, D.C. Price 25 cents Very last page has, "U.S.
Government Printing Office: 1960 0-533056". Each page is marked, "AGO 1400
A". Title page/index has a return address label with a Christmas tree, "DR. A.B.
Procailo 1940 N. Russell Dearborn, Mich. 48128 Don't know where I
got this, but now that I think about it, I have vague memories of getting it at
an estate sale in the area. This looks to be an intense book. They
have charts showing, "Cumulative hours required to pass 5 to 15 gpm." and
"Cumulative hours required to pass 16 to 25 gpm.". (gpm. =
groups per minute---1 group is five characters) I got this book hoping it
would help me learn Morse code for the Amateur Radio hobby. It is mostly a
historical curiosity.
This book is no longer in the collection.
Click on this image in |
Other "Kinds" of Radio (Listening to radio online, CB Radio etc.)
Passport to Web Radio Second Edition Copyright 1998. ISBN: 0-914941-46-1 "Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Started". I was just such an idiot. I got an Internet connection in the hopes of improving my reception by trying out web radio. That was after October 1997. But I was online before, July 22, 1998 when I bought this book. I had it on order at Little Professor's for several months. I ordered the book on February 9, 1998 probably. As a book mark there is a print out of a "Real Audio How To Guide" printed, July 26, 1998. "Live Audio Streams: If you have a 486/33 MHz PC with Soundcard...". At the time, "Radio Echo" in Moscow was very difficult to listen to. Every political analyst and journalist in the world must have been listening in as I could rarely get an open slot. I didn't get to listen much to web radio until I got this fancy Internet connection on November 3, 2003. First off, the connection I had was too slow for streaming of any kind. Then the damage of the virus from Vladimir and my deleting things (that I thought were, "spyware"), caused my old computer to not believe it had a soundcard inside it. Eventually the sound quit working on my old computer.
The Big Dummy's Guide To 40 Channel C.B. Radio The Book Publishing Company Copyright 1976 Second Edition January 1977 ISBN: 0-913990-04-3
The Last Great Days of Radio by Lynn Woolley-- Copyright 1994 ISBN: 1-55622-321-8 A book about radio stations in Texas. My brother gave me this one.
Marconi Pioneer of Radio by Douglas Coe-- Copyright 1943. I must have gotten it in Michigan somewhere as it once belonged to the Whitefish Township Library. I probably got this at the AAUW book sale I go to every year. But I am not sure about that at all. Now that I think about it, I could have gotten it at a charity thrift store. Who knows where I got it?
Commercial Broadcasting Pioneer The WEAF Experiment, 1922-1926 by William Peck Banning Copyright 1946; Publication of The Business Historical Society; London: Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press; Harvard University Press Cambridge Massachusetts. This is one of the most interesting books I have. One of my favorite sections, is "Hello, England, A One-Way Transatlantic Talk". AT&T was getting into radio, (which is [sort of] why talking via radio is called, "telephony"). They started with a commercial station rather than paying for the station with subscriptions.
On The Air The Story of Radio by John J. Floherty Copyright 1937 It was rubber stamped, "Hamtramck Public Library Oct 24 1939". On the inside front it is stamped, "Edwin Allen Co." This is a book for young people. It has lots of photos of "early" radio equipment, transmitters, antennas, sound effects equipment and so on. It shows early television. One photograph shows a shelf of "experimental" cathode ray tubes---the famous "CRT" later used in computer monitors. It even has uses of radio in early commercial aviation. "Pilot listening in on 'beam'".
The Zenith Trans-Oceanic The Royality of Radios by John H. Bryant, AIA and Harold N. Cones, Ph.D. Copyright 1995 ISBN: 0-88740-708-0 Extremely interesting history of the Zenith Trans-Oceanic radio. Lots of pictures. I bought this online during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006.
The Sears Silvertone Catalogs 1930-1942 by Mark V. Stein Copyright 2001 ISBN: 0-9647953-4-5 "The Complete Price Guide to Antique Radios". "Over 1000 Silvertone radios as they originally appeared in the sears catalogs-- historical notes, current values, variations and manufacturer's code key are also included. I got this during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006. I wanted it because I own my Granny's 1938 Sears Silvertone console radio.
"Old" Radio and Electricity Books
Short Course in Electricity and Radio, Lincoln Engineering School, Lincoln, Nebraska-- Copyright 1936. It is "Book No. 2". This one is falling apart a bit. I must have gotten it in Ft. Worth somewhere. Inside is a piece of notebook paper with all the places listed where I took the Bush Radio B.P. 90. I even list what the various sales people said about my battery problem. I evidently made my trip, November 25, 1985. Of course I took this book around with me to all the electronic shops in town. That radio got heavy at the end of the day. The paper was marking the section of the book that shows drawings of various "ancient" Eveready batteries. (At least they are "ancient" by 21st Century standards.) "A, B, and C batteries Used in Farm Radios".
There Are No Electrons: Electronics For Earthlings by Kenn Amdahl. Copyright 1991. ISBN: 0-9627815-9-2 I bought this so that I could study it in preparation for getting an amateur radio license.
Hawkins' New Catechism of Electricity A Practical Treatise, by N. Hawkins, M.E. Copyright 1896 Very interesting little book in a red leather cover. A friend of ours who did electrical work, looked at this book and said something like, no wonder the old houses caught fire. They evidently wired houses like toasters. (knob and tube wiring) I bought this at the old "C Books" that was here in town. If you want to buy this book, let me know. The cover is a little fragile and the red comes off as you dust it. I will consider reasonable offers.
It would be rather difficult to put a list on here of all the various printed radio schedules; QSL Cards; and such like that I have collected from various International Broadcasters over the years. This is a list of various radio related booklets; pamphlets; letters and so on that I have collected since about 1984. This is not a complete list as it does not list EVERY piece of radio related mail (post) that I have received since the 1980's. If you haven't guessed, I don't throw anything ("important") away. "With Compliments"...
One booklet for the Motorola Cordless 1500 all transistor portable-table radio model XT18. Don't know what year it is from, but the Motorola address on the back gives a Chicago zip code (postal code) of 51. This was my great Granny Elm's radio. It was the radio she kept on her piano. She listened to the "local news" and services of the First Baptist Church over KZZN in Littlefield, Texas.
Operating Guide To Help You Enjoy Your New Zenith Super Trans-Oceanic Portable Model H500 Chassis 5H40 202-905-D Inside the booklet are the following: "General Features"; "Operating Instructions"; "Log of U.S. Clear Channel Stations"; "World Wide Time Map"; "Best Reception Table"; "Weather Broadcast Schedules"; and "Warranty". I got this book when we bought the Zenith Trans-Oceanic at an estate sale for $40.00.
Pamphlet Zenith Radio Short Wave Station Chart Copyright 1953 This is a listing of various short-wave stations, frequencies, and times to listen to them. On the back is a World Wide Time Map, Comparing times of the world with Eastern Standard Time. There is also a Best Reception Table on there too. It came with the Zenith Trans-Oceanic we got at an estate sale.
One envelope with correspondence and info. dealing with my Bush Radio BP-90. On October 10, 1995 I sent a letter to "Old Time Supplies" in Banbury, Oxfordshire in England U.K. I was asking them how old my radio was, and about getting a battery or batteries for it. They wrote back with a nice reply.
One envelope I got from the BBC The rubber stamped postmark (postage?) says, "WEST LONDON A.P.C. C GT. BRITAIN 15 Jan 1996 1ST PAID ROYAL MAIL". It arrived here on January 19, 1996. On December 8, 1995 I sent a letter to Andy Kershaw in care of the "World of Music" program at the BBC World Service. I was asking what sort of field recording equipment I saw him use in a documentary I saw on television. (He collected folk music.) The reply I received in the envelope was a postcard with a hand written reply dated, January 13, 1996 and signed by Andy Kershaw on one side. The other side of the card is a promotional photograph of John Peel on a bicycle. There is a logo for BBC "Radio 1" and the frequencies 275/285. It was an incredibly informative reply. It was very helpful.
DX Tips For Beginners by Carl Mann Copyright 1992 From your friends at the New Life Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska. I thought I got this book and another one from Universal Radio when I got my Satellit 700. There is a Universal Radio logo on the front. I know I sent a letter to KNLS once--- I heard them faintly in Texas. I got their schedules for a long time. I also go various sets of literature.
Radio Propagation for Beginners by Carl Mann Copyright 1994 World Christian Broadcasting #0027 This has a Universal Radio logo on it too. I got it when I got the brochure above. I believe I got them both when I ordered the Grundig Satellit 700 from Universal Radio.
Two Books "Grundig World Receiver Satellit 700" These are the operating instructions for the Grundig Satellit 700. Grundig AG. D-90762 FÜRTH 4 5 6 7 8 9 15055-941.01 15055-941.02 The first book is in the languages: German, English, French, Italian and Dutch. The second book is in Swedish, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, and Finnish.
Kurzanleitung-- Brief Operating Instruction Grundig World Receiver Satellit 700 Grundig AG. D -90762 FÜRTH 4 5 6 7 8 9 1055-941.21 A little booklet that came with my Grundig Satellit 700. It is so that you do not have to take the big book with you when taking the radio away from home. As with most of the books that came with this radio, the English seems very much like extremely well done "machine translation". In the very back of the book it advertises some publications that one could send away for, such as, "Aktuelle Sendepläne" (Actual Transmission Tables). These were from Siebel publishing house. Another thing they advertise is the "Memo-File-Service" for this radio. They explain how it, "is possible to equip the Grundig Satellit 700 with three additional memory modules" (Memo-Files). They explain how these Memo-Files are used. "This is a nice thing, even though it makes a lot of work in each case".
Shortwave Listening Guide Grundig Copyright 1994 Lextronix, Inc. "A Guide to shortwave listening presented by the world's leading manufacturer of shortwave receivers". I debated and debated... It was either the Grundig Satellit 700 or it was the Sony ICF-2010... what won out in the end was styling. Women tend to go with their emotions, and the buttons on the Grundig won out over the performance of the Sony. I probably should have gotten a Sony from Adray's. Instead I got a factory reconditioned Grundig from Universal Radio.
Der Kurzwellenempfang (Short-Wave Reception)
Grundig Deutsche Welle-Köln
Grundig AG.D- 8510 FÜRTH 09624-971.01
8/48 Booklet in German, English, French and Spanish from
Deutsche Welle and
Grundig. I got it with the Satellit 700. It explains how to improve short-wave reception. Deutsche
Welle isn't located in Köln (Cologne) anymore. It
is now located in Bonn. "Herausgeber (Publisher)--- Deutsche Welle -
HA Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (___ Public Work)
Verantwortlich für den inhalt (Responsible for contents) Technische
Direktion (Technical management)--- HA Hochfrequenztechnik (___ High-frequency
Postfach (P.O. Box) 10 04 44 - D-5000 Köln (Cologne) 1
Sonderdruck für Grundig mit freundlicher Genehmigung (Special edition for Grundig with friendly permission)".
Grundig The Beginning of a New Experience Shortwave Listening Guide This booklet came with the Grundig Yacht Boy 400PE that I got at Adray's. Looks to be an updated version of the Shortwave Listening Guide I got with the Satellit 700. This one is probably identical to the one I got with the Grundig G-2000A I got from Canada via eBay.
Introducing the Eton Product Line v.06-16-04 Booklet from 2004 advertising all the various radios and electronic gadgets sold by Eton. Eton is what was "Grundig". I got this when I bought a 300PE from Restoration Hardware after Christmas one year.
Envelope from Deutsche Welle Arrived July 6, 2004 I sent away for brochures and pamphlets from their German and English services. (I had AltaVista machine translate the German. Some of it I corrected as I figured out what it should have been by the context. AltaVista called, "Technische Beratung" ---Technical consultation. I think it might be more accurately, the "Technical Staff" or maybe "Technicians Staff". I'm not exactly sure.) The Envelope contains:
One card--- Mit freundlicher Empfehlung (With friendly recommendation) --- With compliments; Deutsche Welle, Technische Beratung (Technical consultation), HA Ausstrahlung (___Radiant emittance), Direktion Distribution (Management distribution); and the address: Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3 53113 Bonn, Germany T + 49.228.429-3208 F + 49.228.429-3220 www.dw-world.de
One brochure--- Deutsche Welle Weltempfänger (World Receiver) 2004 Eine aktuelle Übersicht (A current overview) Ausstrahlung (Radiant emittance) / Technische Beratung (Technical consultation); on the inside is: "Kurzwellenempfänger" (short-wave receiver) about various short-wave radios. There is a chart, "Kurzwellenempfänger mit kleinen Abmessungen" or "Short wave receiver with small dimensions" and another chart, "Kurzwellenempfänger mit großen Abmessungen" "Short wave receiver with large dimensions". If I am understanding correctly, these charts give different specifications of various radios.
One brochure--- Deutsche Welle Ein Leitfaden zum Kurzwellenempfäng (a manual to the short-wave receiver); Ausstrahlung (Radiant emittance) / Technische Beratung (Technical consultation); Radio über Kurzwelle-- Tipps und Informationen (Radio over short wave--tips and information); Die Technische Beratung wünscht guten Empfang! (The technical consultation wishes good reception!); Noch Fragen? (Still questions?) So können Sie uns erreichen: (So you can reach us:) Telefon: (telephone:)_____ Fax:_____ E-Mail:_______.
Two booklets--- Deutsche Welle Pocket Guide (Kompakt) DW-TV. DW-Radio. DW-World.DE. 28 March - 30 October 2004 (28. März - 30. Oktober 2004); The English and German versions of their frequency guides with some program information inside. Inside the English booklet is a separate folded sheet, "Programme Schedule DW-Radio" on one side and "DW-TV" on the other. The German booklet includes the "Programmschema" for "DW-Radio" and "DW-TV".
Two one sided printed sheets--- Deutsche Welle, Deutsches Programm Auf Kurzwelle (German Program on short-wave) Sommer 2004 (summer 2004) 28.03.2004 - 30.10.2004. On the German and English sheets, there is a chart showing how many hours, + or - UTC, each region of the country is. Below that is a chart of frequencies and the times in UTC that Deutsche Welle broadcasts on them to the U.S. "Noch Fragen zur Deutschen Welle? Schicken Sie uns einen Brief, ein Fax oder eine E-mail oder rufen Sie uns an!" (Still have questions for Deutsche Welle? Send to us a letter, a fax or email or call you us!) The English sheet is basically the same, only "There is no direct coverage of North America with DW's English-language broadcasts, but reception may be possible:" and they give various times, frequencies and their transmitter locations that English broadcasts might be heard from in North America.
One booklet--- DW Kurzwellen-Empfangsantennen (Short wave receiving antennas) Technische Beratung 2002 (Technical consultation) This is a booklet with instructions for building and implementing various receiving antennas around one's home. The text is completely in German. There are some very nice illustrations in the book as well. In the back of the book are two lists, "Publikationen über Antennen" (Publications over antennas) and "Antennen und Zubehör" (Antennas and accessories). The first list, "Publikationen über Antennen" are books in German dealing with antennas, included are titles, authors, publishers and ISBNs. The second list, "Antennen und Zubehör" are addresses of places selling, or more likely companies who manufacture antennas and accessories.
Owner's Manual for Portable Audio Laboratory (iPAL) Tivoli Audio 042004 This came with my iPAL that I bought at Adray's.
Tivoli Audio "Simple. Elegant. Affordable." Booklet that came with the iPAL I bought. It has history of the company, and advertises the products offered by the company.
Grundig World Receiver G-2000A Design by F.A. Porsche 72010-753.00/MM 06.97 "Instruction" booklet that came with my G-2000A that I got from Canada via eBay. I bought this radio during the big book buying putsch of April and May, 2006.
Grundig The Beginning of a New Experience Shortwave Listening Guide This booklet came with the Grundig G-2000A I got from Canada via eBay. Looks to be an updated version of the Shortwave Listening Guide I got with the Satellit 700. This one is probably identical to the one I got with the Grundig Yacht Boy 400PE.