Tuesday February 23, 2010 (Date Page Updated) |
Robyn and Douglas have various interests represented by each page on this web site. Here is a list of the page titles and a brief description of each page: (There are tons of links on various pages of this site. Hopefully I gave enough of a description of the page or information on the page, so that you can do a search to find the information if that "link" is broken. The problem with doing pages of links, is that web sites are always changing. The address to a page doesn't stay the same. Or they take that page down altogether. If the links do not work, and you want to read the article anyway, then look at the "Miscellaneous Links Page", under "How To Find "Things" On The Web".) In no way is any of the "health" information on this site
meant to cure or diagnose any disease. This information is merely meant to
be, "food for thought". If you are not feeling "right", see a qualified
health care professional. Read all this information with a grain of
salt please. I am not a doctor, who knows, I could get things wrong
sometimes. If you follow any "advice" on these pages, you do so at
your own risk. Always consult a trained medical professional BEFORE starting a diet
in order to loose weight; changing your
diet drastically; or before you begin an exercise program.
Robyn is writing this web site. She is the one putting it all together. Douglas may put something on here if he gets in the mood to do so. Right now it is Robyn's "baby". Douglas has the final approval before it goes up. BUT if he doesn't catch the mistakes you can blame Robyn. I am sure there will be some minor grammar and spelling mistakes. I know no perfect person except Jesus Christ. (The "I" on here is Robyn. Unless Douglas should happen to write something, but his name will be listed as the author.) Robyn also had a "blog" (web log or online journal) at
http://whatdougalldoes.blog-city.com/ What Dubhghall (Dougall) our
cat does. That was the old blog. The new one was "Analog
Lady in a Digital World".
http://radio.weblogs.com/0144432/ If you want to read what I
would have stuck on the "new" blog, please read the "Journal"
on this site. Do not "just assume" this is another, "right wing", Christian, "Fundamentalist" web site. We are "Evangelicals"! "Fundamentalists" may be, "Evangelicals", but not all "Evangelicals" are "Fundamentalists". This site may or may not be "kid friendly". I am writing with adults in mind. I am not being rude or obscene on here really. I am just writing about things that you may not want young children reading. The parents must decide if they want their children to read any of this. This site is being written and put together starting in November 2003. Some pages are "old" pages from our other "free" site. (Everything has been added to and expanded some.) Yes! This is indeed the "promised" paid for web site. So if you read anything that relates to "time" on this site it will be relative to the page that that item is on. Most of the time I don't get time specific. If I do, I try to qualify the statements so that the reader can figure things out. I have no idea when or if I will ever update this site. Probably only if I get some new stuff to stick on here. (AND I learn how to add stuff to this site once it is up and running.) Robyn wanted to title this site something to do with writing. Those who know her well, will know she has the "gift of gab". The title was chosen partly because of her writing. She really wanted it to look like a newspaper. She couldn't find a template for that offhand. So she picked this one. The reason for the newspaper references, is sort of a tribute to her father. Her father was a fifth generation newspaperman. In November, 2003 Robyn had the opportunity to deal with a couple of journalists. Why they all can't be men of integrity like her father God only knows! By the way, Robyn is not a feminist. You will notice as you read this web site, that she uses “old fashioned” grammar sometimes. Robyn utilizes the grammatical rule of using the pronoun “he” for when the gender of the person is not known. She likes showing her politically-incorrectness and so she uses old-fashioned gender specific nouns and pronouns. Here is an example of a “pet peeve” of hers… A woman, whose profession is acting, should never be called an “actor”. The only way a woman can be called an “actor” is if she gets a sex change operation. Otherwise she is an “actress”. I cannot understand why a woman would want to be thought of like a man anyway! If men are so "evil", then why do feminists spend so much time trying to be masculine!? I mean, "we" are not supposed to use gender specific nouns. But the nouns they give us to use instead, are a lot of the time, the MASCULINE form of the noun!!!! They are NOT always "gender neutral" forms!! Even the word "lady" is considered offensive! Urgh!!!! Hello, there is a box below this text. The first one is a "link" to the best free Bible software in the world, "e-Sword". Next, is one called, "Bible Toolbox". There should be several things below this text. Don't ask me how this works. I just follow the directions.
This banner was at http://www.godspeaks.net. It was a banner that flashed the sayings that are on the black billboards. I guess it is not available anymore. It is not working on other sites too. And I couldn't access the web site today, March 01, 2005. Maybe it will come back? Yes!! It has come back. It is even better now!!!!
If it works, below should be an "ICQ Time Panel". (There will be a panel with a picture and it will show what time it is.) These should work as I can view the boxes on my computer now. I have figured out how to make them boxes and not computer language. Yea! For those who don't know, "Internet Time" is a new universal time standard, where a day (24 hour period) is divided into 1000 ".beat" units. One ".beat" is equal to one minute 26.4 seconds. Internet time is the same all over the world. With "Internet Time" there is one time zone for the world. Gee! And I had a difficult time learning to read a regular clock. Now they up and change things. Below the "ICQ Time Panel" should be another picture that will allow you to ICQ me. I am not 100% sure either of these will work. You will know if you see them or see just text that makes no sense.
If you want to know what the temperature is in Kaliningrad, Moscow, Riga, London, New York, Beijing, and Chicago, then look at the "box" below this. The temps. would more than likely be in metric-- Celsius / centigrade. (I got this off a Russian web site.) To view the box correctly in Windows, you have to go up to "view", click on "encoding" and then click on "Cyrillic Windows", if you have that one available. If you do not have Windows, OR you do not have that encoding available, then I have no idea how to view the box properly. You can always look in www.google.com to see how to get your computer to "read" or "view" Russian (Cyrillic) text. There is a ton of information on how to do that on the net. Just do a search for "Russian Fonts", and that will pull up the relevant information. (Just so I cam remember where---it is from www.informer.ru) If your computer can "read" the Russian text properly, the names of the cities, will look something like the text below. I have put a chart with the city names in Russian and English. Your computer should be able to view it, because this chart is on here as a picture.
If your computer cannot view the Russian properly, the text of the weather box will look something like: (with red, green, and blue text rather than just black text like this picture)
More weather and a currency converter are below. They are from www.informer.ru. Then I stuck on here some sports news. You can see the sports scores and results of major sporting events. The text is in Russian though. I am sticking this on here in Feb. 2005. Right now, there is a NHL hockey lock out. Some of us miss seeing the Red Wings play. Until there is some change in the situation there won't be any NHL ice hockey. To learn more about the sports we like, click here.
Robyn is signed up to several E-mail lists. There are some on radio, nutrition, and other things. There are also "Newsgroups". Newsgroups are on Usenet. You view it via your E-mail program. There is every subject known to man on Usenet. Ask your local computer geek how to sign up for it. It costs you nothing to join. They are all free. They do have etiquette though. I have gotten into a mess a few times because I did not know the etiquette. Remember, "FAQ" means "Frequently Asked Questions". Most newsgroups have a "FAQ" or "Charter" of some sort. A "FAQ" is a list of "Frequently Asked Questions" along with their answers. It is good to read the FAQ or the "charter", before you attempt to post on a newsgroup. The "charter" is another list of rules for newsgroups. From what I have seen, the "moderated" ones are the most civilized. Although, some "moderated" lists are so strict that the slightest infraction is reprimanded. It is best not to get involved in a "flame war". A "flame war" is a sort of argument via posts or E-mail. Some of them get malicious and cause people to be disconnected by their Internet company. Flame wars, can even result in law suits. I like newsgroups because you can find experts on any subject, say botany, and you can get answers to all sorts of questions. And then when your interest turns to, sewing, you can leave the botanists and ask sewing questions. You can view newsgroups without signing up for them via Google Groups. They have posts going back to 1981. This list below has some of the more interesting E-mail lists that I am on. Some of them have HEAVY traffic. You can subscribe to most of them and then tick the box saying that you do not want E-mail. That way you can view them online on their web site at your leisure. (If you subscribe to the PEPIS list via the "Yahoo Groups" web site, then you can set it up to view the E-mails online.) You have to be careful subscribing to E-mail mailing lists. It is increasing that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) will consider the mail from the lists to be unsolicited E-mail or "spam". If that happens, instead of receiving the E-mails from the list, they will bounce back to the sender, and cause you to be automatically unsubscribed. It is a pain to have to keep re-subscribing yourself all the time. I have had to do that with Yahoo Groups, quite a bit lately. Biblical:
Genealogy (Family Tree Stuff):
Fun Stuff / Hobbies:
"Political" Information:
I got some of the pictures on these pages from the following place. http://www.isp.on.ca/genealogy/
This site was last updated 01/31/08